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Cyberion 5th Jun 08 09:06 AM

I have for sometime now been of attendance to one of the local ToastMaster clubs, the club that I joined has members which crosses accountants and computer scientists; so I feel like I fit in just a bit..

Today the topic was "Music and its effect on our lives." When it was the Table Topics session, I was called up to give a 2 min speech on music influence..

Stage theatre, using my voice.. cause its always how you say it. At the beginning.. I sang it.

It goes to show me that I'm pushing my own envelope of what I'm cozy with.

Thanks for reading.

wase4711 5th Jun 08 12:48 PM

and here I was hoping for a sound clip!

RadiationBoy 5th Jun 08 08:51 PM


and here I was hoping for a sound clip!
heh yeah me too!

i used to see signs for toastmaster club on my campus never knew what they did though.
thats great always good to push what your cozy with.

rikytik 3rd Jul 08 12:00 AM

Cool Cyberion. Sorry, just noticed this a bit late.

I joined Toastmasters when I was in the military serving in Germany not long after I married and had my first kid. I was taking university extension courses and worrying how I would support my new family once I got out.

Those sessions were unnerving, but it was a good experience and worth the effort, although at times I was terribly discouraged.

Would you believe that was 45 years ago? It's true, if unbelievable.

Cyberion 28th Jul 08 07:20 AM

I am now Vice President of Public Relations for my Club; fun! Today I went to training learned that even people with HUGE speech impediments were helped by ToastMasters; totally amazing!

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