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User Needs 12th May 08 03:01 PM

Got a Email!!
I'm going to be rich now!


Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 13:16:44 -0400
Subject: $6.8 million transfer in your favour from iraq.
Attachments: Money_Box[2].JPG

This is a breaking News , it has happened this way that the fund has
been secured and the fund was actually secured to the
neibouring country through the Help Of Capt. J.B Nelson under the
Chief Of his Cab.

I assured him of your capability and reliability to champion this
business opportunity and We agree that 70 % of this money will be for
you as
foreign partner, and 30 % would be for me and capt.J.B Nelson and
therefore to enable the immediate transfer of this fund to you as

For easy and effective delivery of this fund without any atom of delay
where in the money will be remitted to you by cash and that you
should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements
have been
made for the delivery .

I have finally secure the money as being aggred and have every proof of
this transaction only what I need is your assistance I am ready now
to delivery the money to you.

I want you to send

Country OF Residance:-
Tel No.-
cel No.-

TO enable me start forward your information to the WATER FRONT SECURITY
COMPANY where the money will be delivery to you amonting to $(6.8
million dollars) as i cannot leave IRAQ because of the nature of my

I am giving you all the trust and I believe that with the help of God,
I hope that one day we will meet each other face to face to start a
long lasting relationship.

Please do not disclose this deal to anybody as to protect my duty with
the US Marine. I attached my picture and the picture of the Money
for your confirmation and to make assurance double sure.

I will be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible to proceed it
the delivery.Please, Reply me to my private email address for security reasons.


Capt.John England

BearCat 12th May 08 04:20 PM

This sounds cool but I'm a bit scared of sending "SEX" to this Capt. John :D

DoG 12th May 08 05:21 PM

I will provide a donation if he likes, want it in a bag or a bottle?

freezer121 12th May 08 09:22 PM

John Ireland or John Scotland or even John Wales I could live with, but John England - how could he!!

DoG 13th May 08 03:35 AM

I know, someone has watched too many war films :D

Cyberion 28th Jul 08 07:18 AM

Hey.. someone got fished out.. Its 6Million!!! I'm sure someone didn't "google" it and find out the message.. and its legitimacy.

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