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analog chainsaw 23rd Oct 02 09:04 PM

I have a server and am in need of something that backs up certain files. I have messed around with Backup Exec 8.6, but it seems to be a bit more than I need to do the job.

All I want is something that runs at a scheduled time and backs up files to somewhere on its second drive. No removable storage, no secondary servers on the network, just plain and simple backups on the same machine.

Anyone know of software that would be good to use for this task?

The Aldifriek 23rd Oct 02 10:00 PM

i allways make dumps that's much easier to do and i store it on a seperate drive so i can allways access it. and i have my stuff back in few moments than ;)

The Aldifriek 23rd Oct 02 10:01 PM

btw making the dumps with norton ghost

unicorn 23rd Oct 02 10:51 PM

I see the problem. I also see the solution...
What you need is something like Second Copy from

I use it since years, very reliable and very flexible - you can make all the settings you need regarding what, when, how, to where, number of generations and so on...


analog chainsaw 24th Oct 02 12:06 AM

very cool. thanks guys, ill research both options and see which works best for my setup.

Pops 24th Oct 02 05:38 AM

You didn't say what OS version you are running... if it's win2k, I like to use ntbackup and run it from a batch file via task scheduler.

analog chainsaw 24th Oct 02 07:29 AM

i'm running win2k server. i havent been able to mess with the above mentioned software yet, but i have been able to test the built in backup tool, it seems to work pretty well so far, but i still want to test the other options.

~*McoreD*~ 24th Oct 02 03:09 PM


Originally posted by analog chainsaw@Oct 24 2002, 01:29 PM
i'm running win2k server. i havent been able to mess with the above mentioned software yet, but i have been able to test the built in backup tool, it seems to work pretty well so far, but i still want to test the other options.
yea i agree. i also like to use the built-in ones. and using windows xp's backup atm. feel more reliable and compatible despite to which extent it is true ;)

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