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NewsBot 12th Mar 08 10:27 PM

YouTube Releases New API and YouTube on TiVO
Today, YouTube released some brand new APIs to the community. With the new APIs, your website can be just like a brand new YouTube. You can be on YouTube without leaving their sites. Here are some of the features the API supports:

  • Upload videos and video responses to YouTube
  • Add/Edit user and video metadata (titles, descriptions, ratings, comments, favorites, contacts, etc)
  • Fetch localized standard feeds (most viewed, top rated, etc.) for 18 international locales
  • Perform custom queries optimized for 18 international locales
  • Customize player UI and control video playback (pause, play, stop, etc.) through software

To add onto that, TiVO also announced that they have set up a deal with YouTube that will allow people to play YouTube videos directly on their TV’s. Hey, no more getting off the couch!

View: YouTube Blog

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