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NewsBot 16th Dec 07 11:52 AM

Griffin iClear & Headphone Adapter for iPhone @ Think Computers
*Review: Think Computers (*
The iPhone is probably the most popular phone out right now, but it will cost you around $400 so it is something you want to protect. You don't want to drop it and have your $400 go down the drain. Griffin helps us with this problem with the iClear, which is a protective case that still shows the beauty of the iPhone. One other major problem with the iPhone is the headphone jack. You can only use a few select pairs of headphones with the iPhone. I know people who have spent a lot of money on quality headphones, they don't want to give them up just to use the iPhone. So Griffin has come up with the Headphone Adapter that allows you to use any set of headphones with the iPhone.


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