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NewsBot 2nd Dec 07 08:27 PM

Review of the Week: Zune 80 by MrEggsalad
As part of the Sunday's Member-Written Review of the Week, the front page brings you yet another review written by one of our very own members and posted in Reviews by Members for Members. This subforum is predominantly hardware reviews but software reviews have an equal chance of being picked. This week I have stumbled upon MrEggsalad's review of the Zune 80 MP3 player.

"The Zune 80 was released on November 13, 2007. I had this item pre-ordered as I've had not the best luck with iPods (3 of them, all battery issues even after replaced batteries) and wished to havne a digital music player, however due to the want of this product and short supply I only just got it on the 26th of November. Read whole review or scroll right to the bottom for quick list of pros and cons"

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