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oscar2043 5th Oct 02 05:12 PM

Anybody knows howto adls with lindows 2.0?

Threre is a pppoe configure menu which asks for user and password. Thats all.
No help, no adsl-start or adsl-setup.
No way to connect adsl.
any ideas?


craftyc 5th Oct 02 05:34 PM

Take a look at the adsl how-to at / (Search for "ADSL")

Darkwolven 16th Oct 02 05:48 AM


dead simple and horribly complicated at the same time :)

I used the PPPoE setup util you already discovered, but that was after going to debian-unstable. Right now, I am on a fresh Lindows, so let us have a look here.

Open a Console.

apt-get update
apt-get install pppoeconf

follow the instructions. Should be fine. pon and poff will connect/disconnect, you can also have it connect on boot, have a look at /etc/ppp/ppp_on_boot.dsl which you can rename or copy to /etc/ppp/ppp_on_boot.

Manual method:

Go to /etc/ppp. vi your pap-secrets and add your password in cleartext at the very end.
Go to /etc/ppp/peers. vi dsl-provider and change the line that says user and so on to be uncommented and have your real username. Then, copy dsl-provider to provider.

You should now be able to "pon" to connect and "poff" to disconnect. But, you still do not have DNS. So, after your pon, do a plog, jot your nameserver(s) down, stick them into /etc/resolv.conf as
nameserver IP
entries, above any local nameserver entries you might have, and off you go.

Hope that helps.

DawnWolf, Darkwolven's main squeeze :)

oscar2043 16th Oct 02 10:08 PM


Originally posted by Darkwolven@Oct 16 2002, 03:48 AM

dead simple and horribly complicated at the same time :)

I used the PPPoE setup util you already discovered, but that was after going to debian-unstable. Right now, I am on a fresh Lindows, so let us have a look here.

Thanks Darkwolven
I understand that debian-unstable is a site for on-line updating Lindows (debian based linux). I must be connected to internet before running apt-get update (dial-up may be).
I´m correct?

Darkwolven 18th Oct 02 02:55 AM

debian-unstable is just another version of debian ... the unstable one.

You can use pppoeconf fine with debian-stable, which is what Lindows is based on.

Yes, you need an Internet connection before you can do

apt-get update
apt-get install pppoeconf

which is why I gave you the manual instructions as well. With the manual method, not relying on pppoeconf, you can get connected to the Internet without first needing a dialup/shared LAN Internet connection first.

Yeah, Lindows dropped the ball on that one. I've been bitchin' at them for that since Lindows 1.3. I do hope they get it right for the release version. It's not like including PPPoE setup in the install was unusual. All the other major distis do it.

DawnWolf, DarkWolven's "main squeeze" :)

oscar2043 19th Oct 02 09:41 AM

at last i am able surfing with lindows-adsl :D
I spent several hours trying without success (connection dropped after 20 seconds)
the problem was that i am not in a LAN and then

Disable Network

made de miracle... :rolleyes:

thanks again Darkwolven

Darkwolven 20th Oct 02 05:14 AM

Glad you got it working. :)

devilotx 8th Dec 02 01:38 PM

PPoE was "Broken" in Lindows, newest version supports it now


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