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NewsBot 1st Nov 07 08:22 PM

Asus Eee PC Full Retail Review Showcase @ HotHardware
*Source: HotHardware (*
Hype, we all know the drill. We've seen it many times before. There's only so much commotion you can digest before you start to wonder if something is as good as it's played up to be. Such is the case with the highly anticipated Asus Eee PC. In fact, this product has been easily the most researched and searched-upon product in the content database in many years. Some speculate that this new ultra-mobile PC or UMPC, if you're the acronym-loving type, is an answer to the competitive call of the OLPC XO-1 notebook from the One Laptop per Child organization. We would offer that this just isn't so.

In the pages ahead, we'll give you a detailed technical view of the new Asus Eee PC and show you that in fact, the product, with its custom KDE equipped Linux-based OS, is currently in a class by itself. While the OLPC is targeted as a child's computer or learning device, the Eee PC, while it also makes for an excellent kids' starter PC, actually offers much more as well.


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