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Cyberion 2nd Oct 07 07:22 AM

Tablet instead of mouse?
Right now I have a good-ol trusty mouse and I've been thinking about buying something instead; preface this.. I'm just looking and not buying anything yet.

I've been told about these

I need or like some thoughts please.

freezer121 2nd Oct 07 09:29 AM

A tablet is the bee's knees if you're doing graphic editing or creation, but as well as rather than instead of some sort of mouse. That's a strange looking little fellow you've found there. :)

BearCat 2nd Oct 07 02:46 PM

If you, like me, have been getting a "mouse arm",
your might try something completely different, like the Norwegian made
Anir Ergonomic mouse based on the F-16 flightstick.

I have been using this some years at my work, and tensions in my arm was improving fast, even
if it was a hard switch to start using it, and my colleagues hates to use my computer :rolleyes:

Cyberion 2nd Oct 07 09:04 PM

I'm starting to crack my risk more and more.. that can't be good, my excuse is that there is gas in my arm, but I'm sure that that specific excuse is pretty petty.

With the CAD dollar equaling the USD I should move a bit of money now before things equalize, its just that EDU money shouldn't be used for toys both electronic and non.

BC how much do they cost per mouse?

Cyberion 2nd Oct 07 09:06 PM

I would think anything that allows your arm to be in natural form to be more comfortable.

Cyberion 4th Oct 07 07:14 AM

So.. in effect $80 for a new mouse. That is cheap when London drugs has "sci-tech" stuff priced at $120, and the boxes claim extended life. (chuckle)

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