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NewsBot 20th Sep 07 06:30 AM

Sony Denies Sale of Cell Chip Facilities to Toshiba
Contrary to previous reports, Sony has stated it is not considering the sale of its Cell chip operations facilities to Toshiba. The Nikkei, a Japanese business daily, first reported of the sale to Toshiba last week and claimed that a joint venture between Sony and Toshiba would be formed and existing manufacturing lines would still be used. Toshiba Corporation spokesman Keisuke Omori confirmed Sony's denial: "Nothing concrete has been decided." Sony shares fell 2.2% amid rumours of the possible sale due to expected losses the gaming giant would incur. IBM has issued no comment on the rumoured sale of the Sony Cell processor facilities. Sony and IBM collaborated to make the Cell processor, which is currently used in many devices other than just the PS3.

News source: DailyTech

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