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NewsBot 20th Aug 07 01:06 AM

Sunbeam Silent Whisper Cooler Review @ Overclocker Cafe
*Review: Overclocker Cafe (*
Not everyone or every system requires the ultra high performance and matching high cost of top tier cooling solutions. Sometimes you just need a cooler for a budget rig. "Budget" doesn't mean you are willing to skimp on performance; it only means that you are being more cost conscious. The Sunbeam Silent Whisper Cooler priced at $13, brings copper heatpipe construction with an elevated thin finned design to the masses. Assuming the name is warranted, Sunbeam should have a low cost winner on their hands. The Sunbeam Silent Whisper is offered in two model, one for Intel LGA775 applications and one for AMD K8 based rigs. Today, we have a look at the LGA775 model and see what Sunbeam can deliver for $13.


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