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NewsBot 19th Jul 07 07:09 PM

Vodafone "looks forward" to 3G iPhone version
*Source: Reuters ( *
LONDON (Reuters) - Vodafone Group Plc said on Thursday it was concerned that the current model of iPhone mobile phones -- Apple Inc's latest "killer" gadget -- did not operate on fast 3G networks.

Amid speculation that Apple, the innovative U.S. consumer electronics group, is close to handing a deal to Vodafone's rivals to bring iPhones to European shores, the mobile phone giant said only any deal needed to make sense for shareholders.

"It's clearly a good, software-driven device, but we're concerned about wideband area coverage so that 3G (third-generation) or HSDPA (upgraded 3G) connectivity with the iPhone is something that we look forward to.


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