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NewsBot 9th Jul 07 07:25 PM

Live Earth Global Concerts Reach More Than 10 Million Online
At 3 p.m. EDT on July 7, Live Earth concerts on MSN reached a total of more than 10 million video streams and achieved the most simultaneous viewers of any online concert ever. Live Earth's 24 hours of music across 7 continents delivered a worldwide call to action and the solutions necessary to answer that call. Live Earth marks the beginning of a multi-year campaign to drive individuals, corporations and governments to take action to solve the climate crisis. Live Earth concerts took place in New York, London, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg and Hamburg.

"History is being made today. Millions of people around the world have joined together to fight the climate crisis. The over 10 million streams MSN has delivered so far today represent a milestone in live Internet broadcasting. We expect to see an even greater number of streams after the concerts are over as people return to watch their favorite performances or enjoy them for the first time if they missed the concerts live," said Joanne Bradford, corporate vice president and chief media officer of MSN. On-demand footage of all performances, along with artist interviews, backstage footage, easy searching capabilities for specific songs, artists and more, will be available online from all eight official concerts for the next several weeks at no charge.

Link: Live Earth
News source: Press Release

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