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-   -   Crucial Ballistix Tracer PC2-8500 DDR2 2GB Memory Kit Review @ (http:\\\forum/showthread.php?t=25267)

NewsBot 8th Jul 07 06:14 AM

Crucial Ballistix Tracer PC2-8500 DDR2 2GB Memory Kit Review @
*Source: (*
"The last time we looked at Ballistix tracer memory from Crucial it performed great and received our Editor's Choice Award. This time we are taking a look at the faster PC2-8500 memory running at 1066MHz. If you didn't check out our review of the PC2-6400 Ballistix Tracer memory the actual modules feature two rows of eight "chasing" red and green LED's atop the module, circulating at varying speeds proportional to usage. So let's take a look..."


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