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Fisher 12th Sep 02 04:03 AM

Advanced Call Center (ACC) is an answering machine for your voice modem. It features call monitoring and logging, caller ID with pop-ups and voice alerts, customizable and personalized greetings, and conversation recording. ACC can send call notifications to your pager and voice messages via e-mail. It can also block certain types of incoming calls, even without caller ID information. ACC provides integration with sound cards, doesn't require an extra speaker attached to the modem, and has the ability to compress voice messages to be forwarded via e-mail.


Binninn 12th Sep 02 04:37 AM

Thanks for the link..........

But who uses voice modem now adays ???????? :D

Bads 12th Sep 02 05:34 AM

Thanks Fisher,

I have use this program for a long time before I buy a cellular because I have missed many calls with the previous version of this program :lol:


But who uses voice modem now adays ????????
I have to use 56k modem because I can't have high speed where I live :blink:

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