BetaONE will rise again!

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thehurricane 15th May 07 03:13 PM

g'day folks i'm back (well sort of)
i'm not really known by anyone on this site, but it's first time i've logged in here, in 3 years, terrible isnt it:lol: . oh well never mind.

im looking for an old friend i used to chat to, he used to help run this site, i believe...not sure what his nick was, but his email was james55 something he may have been known by the nick "killerbee" at some stage

if anyone has any leads or remembers my old friend then please shoot me a msg with his mail address, i'd love to catch him up


Cyberion 16th May 07 02:53 AM

James55.. yup I remember. :) hurricane.. not so much.. BUT!!

Hey welcome anyways.. I bet sooner of later my memory will smack me, if someone doesn't do it for me. :)

thehurricane 16th May 07 08:11 AM

thanks, yeah james is an old friend of mine from way back. just wanted to see if he's doin ok, its been avery long time since we last spoke


Alpine 16th May 07 02:37 PM

WElcome Back !!

Here the Last time Jame come over B1!!

Last Activity: 22nd Jan 07 05:26 PM
I think you should PM him here on b1, with your infos, so when / if, he come back he could, contact you !!

DoG 16th May 07 04:04 PM

Welcome back :)

James is taking some RL time at the moment, if you search the chitchat forum you will be able to catch up with what's been happening in his life.

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