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rikytik 7th Dec 06 02:38 AM

A New Chapter
My wife of 44 years moves into a long term care facility tomorrow. She can no longer speak, nor do anything for herself, so there isn't an alternative, but what an experience. Some of you will remember my aborted move to Europe in February to be closer to my Italian daughter and family. We've been living in a very nice area where I could take Josie for walks in a wild ravine, right here in downtown Toronto, and enjoy what this wonderful town has to offer. Notwithstanding, she'll be only 15 mintutes away by subway and life goes on. Thankfully I've got friends and a nice hobby. She has what is known as fronto temperal dementia, which has been coming on for a number of years, but really moved fast the past 2 years. She remains a sweet girl with a ready smile and loves to do bear hugs with our friends. My avatar is a drawing she made early in the year. A koala bear.

JacKDynne 7th Dec 06 11:02 AM

My thoughts are with you and your lovely wife, rikytik.

All the best m8.


richardc2000 7th Dec 06 01:25 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife, rikytik.

moen 7th Dec 06 10:17 PM

I mom is going on 89 and needs help with everything

belthazor 8th Dec 06 12:09 AM

Very sorry to hear this my friend. If there is anything we can ever do for you here, even if it's just a sympathetic ear, just speak. You have friends here. :)

wase4711 8th Dec 06 02:06 AM

yeah man, my best friends mom has the same thing, and I know how tough it is on the family..Good to see you have the right attitude about it!
Best of luck to you and your family!

rikytik 8th Dec 06 03:43 AM

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Got Josiane moved in today. Here she is hugging her teddy bears just before I left her today. Sweet gal and seemed to fit in well. Thanks for all your kind thoughts. Means a lot.

The little bear I gave her for Christmas the first year of our marriage, 1962 and has never left her presence. His name is Tami. The white polar bear was a gift from her italian grandkids who spent August here and thought she needed an animal of a proper size to hug.

Voodoo 8th Dec 06 08:54 AM

You and your wife are both in my prayers. Keep up the positive outlook. :)


User Needs 8th Dec 06 03:50 PM

You are both in my prayers also!
I know what you are going through, my mom has it too!

Take care

rikytik 9th Dec 06 04:28 AM

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Thanks all. Appreciate your thoughts. Means a lot. Josiane seems comfortable in her new surroundings.

And me? My sister tells me to give it a month and then take a road trip. I just bought a 175 watt inverter so I can run my laptop in the car and use GPS maps and stuff. Soon as the snow melts I'm going to do a big time Road Trip in my Corolla. Plan to visit my cousins who are all over the USA, and my grammar school and high school friends out west. So many nice things in the world to enjoy...while we can. Here are Jo and me in Koln, Germany, after I proposed marriage and she accepted. Ah, youth!!!!!

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