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James55 19th May 06 12:54 AM

Off To Camping
Leaving til monday to go on a clean and sober motorcycle run and camp out. Anyone heard of the frog jump? Thats where I'm going. They have it every year here athe Calaveras County Fair. Yep you heard it right,Jumping frogs. Will bring lots of pics back with me. Longest jump is 19' 4" Lol!:eek:

mikeh420 19th May 06 03:44 AM

Love the Fair, the area is definitely "God's Country", Mark Twain would be proud. Have fun!

Cyberion 20th May 06 08:30 AM

Very cool indeed.. loooonnnggg jump. :)

KingCobra 21st May 06 11:01 PM

James sounds like fun, enjoy.

Just today I seen 200+ cycles with a police escourt but not sure what it was for or where they were going.

User Needs 22nd May 06 03:08 PM

Been there!
Done that :)

But I wasn't sober :D
But that was a long time ago
Oh, how the years go bye

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