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Zone-MR 17th Mar 06 01:24 AM

Office 2007 UI presentation CeBIT 2006
Here's a short recording I made at CeBIT 2006 of the Microsoft presentation of the new Office 2007 UI.

Nothing we don't already know, but a nice presentation nonetheless.

Video bitrate: 1Mbit | 512kbps

JacKDynne 17th Mar 06 10:58 AM

Please tell me that she was advancing the slides with a remote and that display was not a touchscreen :eek:

Good to hear from you Zoney - stop by more often :D We miss yah:drunk:


Zone-MR 17th Mar 06 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by JacKDynne
Please tell me that she was advancing the slides with a remote and that display was not a touchscreen :eek:

Heh, that's what I was thinking when I saw that display. However, having seen some of the other display technologies on show at CeBIT just a few minutes before, I wouldn't have been surprised if the woman who was doing the presentation was just a 3D projection coming out of the screen ;)

PS. Yeah, I'll need to find some time to post more :p I haven't forgotten about this place and still lurk here.

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