BetaONE will rise again!

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James55 27th Feb 06 08:32 AM

Hi folks just checking in. Started on some new antidepressants a few weeks ago and its kicking my ass. Hard to get up and get going at times. In just a few more weeks Ill be starting the interferon injections for Hepititus C. Ive felt like crap for the last few weeks . I hope Im feeling better when the new shots start. I'm hanging in though. I have alot of freinds and sometimes when I'm down they show up and get me out of the house for a bit. Other than that life is just peachy. Lol!

JacKDynne 27th Feb 06 11:12 AM

Hang in there James and great to hear from yah :)


moen 27th Feb 06 06:25 PM

Keep your hopes high and fight has a beneficial effect. It is also good that you are willing to discuss it.:):)

Alpine 27th Feb 06 08:05 PM

heyyyy,,, really happy gettinh news from you !!
Take you'r time, and come back in force!

wase4711 27th Feb 06 10:48 PM

you're a fighter man, and you will lick this just like you have with everything else!
keep up the great work!


KingCobra 27th Feb 06 10:51 PM

Glad to hear from you. Just keeping in touch with friends is a GREAT thing and I am really looking forward to hearing better news from you next time. :hug:

DoG 28th Feb 06 04:12 AM

Keep going mate, when you hit rock bottom the only way to look is upwards and usually the only faces you see are your true friends :)

richardc2000 28th Feb 06 05:36 PM

I agree with moen
talking helps a lot
hang in there James

Voodoo 28th Feb 06 08:52 PM

Hi there James.

Nice to hear from you again. Hope and trust you will feel better soon. Hang in there. You will be in my prayers. ;)


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