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rikytik 25th Sep 05 06:20 PM

AMD 64 vs 64FX Ideas?
I have a new 939 pin AMD board and am wondering what the fundamental value is of buying an AMD Athlon 64FX vs an Athlon 64 series.

Anybody been going through this analysis process?

I have an ASUS A8N-SLI with a single low end PCIe video card and do a lot of multimedia stuff, but am not a gammer.

DoG 27th Sep 05 01:41 AM

If i'm brutally honest my AMD64 is a ple of shite when running in 32 bit mode where it doesn't seem to even perform up to it's 2 gig lable. Why don't i change to xp 64? because the drivers that are available are still in beta and are as unstable as hell and half my hardware isn't supported anyway. Maybe the 64FX performs better? It couldn't perform worse!

Dudelive 27th Sep 05 04:16 AM

I have been holding off on an upgrade for me as I am currently running an amd 1900mhz. I have been tossing between 64bit and Intel 32bit for the same reason as DoG stated. I have NOT tested them myself but from what I have read, it makes me want to hold off on the 64bit.

Correct me if I am wrong on this


war59312 27th Sep 05 06:44 AM

I shell be holding off as well untill 64bit Vista is releazed. :)

rikytik 28th Sep 05 11:22 AM

Thanks for the comments. Maybe I leaped too fast. I haven't run benchmark programs, burt I have noticed that the cpu seems to become 100% utilized pretty easily, espeicially with some multimedia decoding/encoding stuff, making multi-tasking slow. Same routine seems to run better on my intel 2.8 Ghz cpu on a Pc4800 with same ram size (1GB).

Hunted 28th Sep 05 07:25 PM

I have a 64 bit AMD chip and I'm happy with it. I have a low range one, but it performs much better then my old 32bit AMD I had. The real difference you get tho is when using XP x64. It has a remarkable difference then on a 32bit OS. The only problem is the drivers tho. I have x64 running as a second OS and the only thing I haven't yet got to work was my HP printer and my webcam. All the other hardware works fine with the various drivers available.

The other problem is that lots of applications is still not 64bit ready. Go check here Windows 64bit Compatibility Guide for software/hardware that is supported. I think this link was mentioned here before.

It's not really aswering your question, but hopefully it's usefull info.


PCTech 29th Sep 05 04:21 PM

very useful stuff here i will have to check it out when I get home to see if I should make the jump to 64bit

rikytik 10th Oct 05 03:34 AM

My AMD 64 is a 3000+ .

But, in doing heavy duty media stuff simultaneously, I note that this AMD 64 cpu stays at 100% usage, whereas my 2.8 GB P4 in the Asus P4C800 board runs at around 50%.

Both have 1 GB of matched memory. I don't know how to interpret this and wondering if I should invest in a faster cpu or what.

To date, I regret moving away from Intel, but nothing is impairing my activities. ...except of course testing various AV scanners, a really big pain.

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