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Dudelive 14th Aug 05 01:53 PM

What is a good firewall?
What is a good software firewall? One that will not be a resource hog, right now I am using Kerio personal and it is sorta of ticking me off.

So which one would be good for alerting of out bound traffic as well as inbound in case something gets on the system and tries to call out.

I used zone alarm since version 1.0 and with XP it don't want to work all the time without locking up. I have not tried the latest version and don't really want all that much bloat in a firewall.


Voodoo 14th Aug 05 02:41 PM

Try Sygate, it is an excellent firewall.


Dudelive 14th Aug 05 02:51 PM

I have heard alot about sygate and never tried it as of yet, so it may be a good time to try it now.

Are there others that may be suitable that have been tried here before and work real nice.

Keep It Simple Silly usually works pretty nice without problems.


Hunted 14th Aug 05 03:05 PM

I use Sygate too, better the Zone Alarm IMHO. Although it's so good I can't play some online games without switching the damn thing off or to "allow all".


unicorn 14th Aug 05 04:09 PM

I still stick to Agnitum Outpost. Not perfect (thinking of the interface and the sometmes buggy updates) but I like it and it works. I don't know what the price is now. I bought a cheap lifetime license a while back when they had a special offer.

Dudelive 14th Aug 05 11:40 PM

That is almost not fair buying license and them only being good for a year at most sometimes, but they have to make a living also. That would be a reason to be sure to get a good one with reasonable upgrade fees if any.


adams 15th Aug 05 04:30 AM

i use computer associates EZ Armor (firewall and antivirus). Looks like Zone-alarm to me.

war59312 15th Aug 05 08:10 PM

I'd say Sygate but running Windows One Care ATM. ;)

Bads 16th Aug 05 01:32 AM

Sygate personnal firewall pro for a long time now :) Just after I have to remove Zone Alarm who was not running correctly for me.

wase4711 16th Aug 05 02:17 AM

Trend Micro Internet Suite, which has AV, firewall, and spam control is my current favorite; although in the past, I also was very happy with Zone Alarm Pro;
Sygate was always a problem for me...

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