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KingCobra 31st Jul 05 02:44 PM

I just today received this email:


Dear Yahoo Member,

Your e-mail account was used to send a huge amount of unsolicited spam messages during the recent week. If you could please take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and confirm the attached document so you will not run into any future problems with the online service.

If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no choice but to cancel your membership.

Virtually yours,
The Yahoo Support Team
I did not download the .zip attachment and found out that it is Worm.Sober.P :o

Glad I didn't fall for it! :p

unicorn 31st Jul 05 05:27 PM

Ah...c'mon KC, you surely sent them your VISA car No to get help with the problem....


No, you didn't, I know that. But such a mail... and interestening that this sort of "frauds" still work. And Nigeria letters have been around for 30 years or more, some say for 50 years.




Originally Posted by KingCobra
I just today received this email:

I did not download the .zip attachment and found out that it is Worm.Sober.P :o

Glad I didn't fall for it! :p

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