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*MO* 15th Apr 05 02:19 PM

Hi guys

I had a little accident this week.

I was driving in my car, and some guy hit me from the side.
The damage is R150 000. Lucky my insurance is gonna pay out.
Here are a few pics.
My car is the prancing horse

DoG 15th Apr 05 05:21 PM

Christ, what a mess! You walk out of it ok?

war59312 15th Apr 05 07:54 PM

ouch that sucks!!!!

but damn nice fu**ing car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll trade u even in its current condition. lol

Stringent 15th Apr 05 11:22 PM

Well I guess your premium will go up a lot next time the renewal comes round. Man that sucks, one wouldn't have minded if it was another super-car that hit you, but a crusty bashed up motor? Grr.

Alpine 16th Apr 05 12:20 AM

OUuuuttchhhhhhhh ...what a nice car !!

What a Idiot !! ( The other guy )

KingCobra 16th Apr 05 01:55 AM

Sorry to hear this, but life is worth more than money can buy.

Glad your fine! :cool:

rikytik 17th Apr 05 07:09 PM

crap. What a stupid thing. Hi stress stuff, that! Hope you get it all straightended out without too much suffering. Good thinking to have your digital camera along. I don't even have a ball point pen in my new Corolla, Better put one in there. <:)

*MO* 18th Apr 05 08:16 AM

uhm....this is a joke guys....i don't really drive a Ferrari. I guess i put it in the wrong section....sorry for the misunderstanding...was supposed to be a joke

but i do drive a ferrari in my dreams. and its fast

KingCobra 18th Apr 05 11:05 AM

You missed April 1st with your post by 4 days and your correct, it was posted in the wrong section. :p

I'll move it and thanks for telling the truth. :bye:

JacKDynne 18th Apr 05 01:50 PM

I thought yours was the other car anyway, MO :D


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