BetaONE will rise again!

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TheCrossMovement 4th Mar 05 07:03 AM

Just Saying Hey...
Hey guys&gals,

Thought I'd pop in unexpected to say hey to my B1 community which I used to call "home" several years ago when it first started in 2001. Over the years, I just kinda let this fade away. But I'd never forget you people...whoever I knew. I even modded this forum for a short while back in the day......ahhh the memories ;)

Hope everyone is doing alright. I also want to say excellent work to whomever keeps this site maintained and updated and looking as great as it does. Its much more user friendly and easier to use, no doubt about it! This place sure has come a LONG way. Love the new icons and drop down menus. SO much eaiser and way better to use. Can't wait to see the live IRC chatting from the front page. That looks to be awesome. U should try and make it so you can chat str8 from the frontpage rather than having to open an IRC program and join this and that.

Take Care,

KingCobra 4th Mar 05 11:01 AM

Glad to hear from you and nice to see your still alive. :cool:

Zone-MR 4th Mar 05 01:11 PM

Heya TCM. Loooong time no see. Good to see you back after all those years.


Hope everyone is doing alright. I also want to say excellent work to whomever keeps this site maintained and updated and looking as great as it does. Its much more user friendly and easier to use, no doubt about it! This place sure has come a LONG way. Love the new icons and drop down menus. SO much eaiser and way better to use.
You mainly have Sony to thank for our new layout, which we implemented last September. Also stay tuned, there's more to come...


Can't wait to see the live IRC chatting from the front page. That looks to be awesome. U should try and make it so you can chat str8 from the frontpage rather than having to open an IRC program and join this and that.
That's the plan. I've set up a little preview at, but there's still a lot of work I need to do with IRC integration, etc.

JacKDynne 4th Mar 05 02:18 PM

Good to hear from yah TCM :)

/me pats Zone and Sony on the back:)


PCTech 4th Mar 05 08:52 PM

I dont remember you, but It's always good to have family stop back in! Welcome back, and we hope you stop back by more often! :) Sinse you haven't been here in a while, how are you doing? :)

~PCT :)

Cyberion 4th Mar 05 10:36 PM

/me jumps on and tackles TCM..

I remember you. :)

iHugs indeed

war59312 4th Mar 05 11:15 PM

I know you of course. ;)

Glad to see you made it back. And yeah Sony kicks a$$!!

Take Care,

TheCrossMovement 5th Mar 05 12:06 AM

Wow, look at all you intelligent Administrators and Senior members. I remember when you all we're just mods or general users. I feel old! lol I'm glad you guys took the torch and ran with it! This place looks incredible and it just keeps getting better. Keep up the tremendous work&effort you put into this, one day you'll be as big as Neowin......or maybe MS will hire everyone from B1 for tech support ;) :p .

As crazy as this sounds, I still think we should merge with Winbeta or Iexbeta to become "WinBetaONE" or another cool title along those lines. If we merged with another big site/forum such as that, we'd defintely have a shot at stealing the momentum from Neowin. A little friendly competition never hurt anything. Its actually very good for business that Mozilla is out there trying to outdo IE and Real&Winamp trying to steal WMP spotlight. And MS fires back with MSN Messenger 7.0, IE7, and so on. Its stimulates growth and innovation on everyone's part.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Take Care ppl,

Dudelive 5th Mar 05 12:32 AM

TCM this site is the result of people like you and the Admins and Mods we have who have put in lots of hard work.
"Thanks to ALL".
When you give ideas like that, it shows thinking is involved and you are looking at the future where bigger is better with careful planning.

Take a break from life more often and stop by.


war59312 5th Mar 05 07:03 AM

You forgot foobar2000. ;)

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