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NightHawk 13th Oct 04 01:16 PM


I installed MCE2004 and had no problems as all worked fine with my Matrox G400 graphics card. However, on upgrade to MCE2005, I now get this message:

"Your video card or drivers are not compatible with Media Center"

In addition, it no longer shows transitions or plays video/DVD content, whilst before all worked? Any ideas?

If is a known problem:


From Microsoft:

MCE 2005 uses the VMR-9 for rendering, while MCE 2004 used VMR-7. In turn,
VMR-7 used DirectDraw functions to display the video, while VMR-9 uses
Direct3D for video.

Old display drivers may not expose the required video surfaces through
Direct3D. E.g. some (very!) old NVIDIA drivers did not expose Direct3D YUV
surfaces and thus would not work with VMR-9.

Also, the drivers probably MUST be DirectX 9 drivers. Run DXDIAG and check
on the "Display" tab if it really says: "DDI Version: 9 (or higher)". If
the number is lower than 9, your display driver is not a DirectX 9 driver.

Anyone know how to work around these problems???


Zone-MR 13th Oct 04 01:30 PM

Do you have the same video card drivers installed as you used with MCE 2005? I know that some companies offer seperate MCE compatible drivers on their website. Try experimenting a little... when you first installed MCE 2005, did windows use it's own drivers for the card?

Update: You aren't the only one with this problem using the Matrox G400 (see here:

NightHawk 13th Oct 04 01:42 PM

Zone, I uninstalled and reinstalled the manufacturer drivers using their utilities and still it does not work anymore. I may revert back to MCE2004.


protecteur 13th Oct 04 02:32 PM

make shoure you first start mce at the lowest screen resolution and that you have windvd 6.0 installed. And yes the driver for you video card has to be compatible with mce!!

NightHawk 13th Oct 04 03:05 PM

Yep done that. The issue is that this did not occure under MCE 2004 but does under 2005. I have all the latest drivers installed.


NightHawk 13th Oct 04 06:44 PM

With all the problems with this new version, I have reinstalled MCE2004 and all works like a dream. In addition MCE2005 has over 300 bugs now listed on the Microsoft Website, due to problems with the new Media Centre Applet!! My advice.... go back to 2004!!!!


NightHawk 17th Oct 04 03:24 AM


[^LDS Member 2004^] 24th Oct 04 12:51 PM

Mce 2005
protecteur mce 2005 is rtm I thought I get the video card error I was wondering if you still recomend 2004 and if so where can I grab it


~*McoreD*~ 24th Oct 04 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by count pornula
protecteur mce 2005 is rtm I thought I get the video card error I was wondering if you still recomend 2004 and if so where can I grab it

please say you are joking :)

[^LDS Member 2004^] 24th Oct 04 02:25 PM

no my 2005 sucks my vd card says not supported I just bought it 3 months ago

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