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Sony 13th Oct 04 07:36 AM

I decided to run the new PCAUDIt 6.3 test and is so much nastyer than the old version

This apps try to connect to the with almost every program that is allowed in my firewall to connect to internet,

The old version was easily blocked by removing explorer to have access to port 80

This new version iis way more tricky it used almost all my systray apps to try to connect from logitech mouseware to NOD32 !!!

Luckly the good old sygate asked me about this app trying to connect and after blocking them all i got a good result

If you have not run this version you should try !!


saratogaSiX 13th Oct 04 08:12 AM

Thxs sony, my outpost fw failed me bigtime.
Guess its time i gave sysgate a try.

rikytik 13th Oct 04 10:34 AM

Do you suppose there is some kind of trick here. If you don't open IE and type something the test will not procede.

Do you suppose PCAudit is simply gathering certain data and transmitting it over port 80, which would normally have to have access to the internet? What it seems to send is a directory listing of MyDocuments, key strokes of what was typed on the web page and an image of what was being viewed in IE 6, the computer name, user name and IP. No other directories are listed.

I ran Steve Gibson's "LeakTest" and passed. The usual ports test passed as well.

I don't well understand what is happening in the PCAudit 6.3 program, but it seems possible it could be a marketing trick, No? Anybody know how this little program works?

rikytik 13th Oct 04 12:56 PM

It's a couple hours later and I installed Sygate to try it with PCAudit. THis time I opened a text editor and typed a couple letters and when Sygate asked if it could open IE, I said no. The data was still transmitted.

I hope some members more up on this subject can shed some light on this test, which is troubling.

btw, the Sygate security test shows that the Sygate's web site is unable to obtain any info at all from the pc in question, other than the ip

Bads 13th Oct 04 04:19 PM

I just type some letters in notepad and the test was failed :blink:

I use Sygate.

war59312 13th Oct 04 07:58 PM

Also here is everything this app sends over the net.


rikytik 13th Oct 04 08:20 PM

Still reading and digesting all this. But. Just for the record, I unintalled McAfee Firewall, Installed Zone Alarm "latest edition", uninstalled, then installed Sygate (latgest edition). Nothing stopped this "thing".


war59312 13th Oct 04 09:32 PM


Originally posted by rikytik@Oct 13 2004, 02:20 PM
Still reading and digesting all this.  But. Just for the record, I unintalled McAfee Firewall, Installed Zone Alarm "latest edition", uninstalled, then installed Sygate (latgest edition).  Nothing stopped this "thing".


Sygate Pro. Latest Build will stop it once you have it setup correctly like I descired earlier. Srry its such a mess but i'm a rush. Trying to stay up to date today and do damn Cobol at the same time which i'm way behind in. :( God I hate it and dont give a shit about. :(((((

Sony 14th Oct 04 01:35 AM

good job at explaining everything war
I was to lazy when i posted didn't even look at my setting cause sygate passed for me first time (i have dll on)

tested without and it fails


rikytik 14th Oct 04 01:40 AM

war, thanks for taking the time to explain this to me. I learned a lot after spinning my wheels for several hours and trying various firewalls. Really appreciate the lesson in security.

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