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Alpine 27th Jun 04 11:05 PM

Yep .. i am leaving officially june 30 2004.

Currently grabbing all stuffs i need on the net! Music, Appz, Gamez, Vidz.

Take care guys ... see ya soon as possible..

Keep b1 Alive .. the best Board over the bet !!!


Hi guys.  :(

AT july 15 2004, i will leaving. I am moving to another home and i can't have internet Installed! ( No ISP available ). 

In some place ... on this earth... they connot have internet ... so .. anyway ... I just want to warning B1 crew, members and friends. 

Since now ( june 27 ) to july 15, i will not able to come everyday.

And each time i will able to come here.. i will.
In part on the earth where i move, internet will be available only in the end of 2004-begin 2005.

Cya .. take care everyone

love ya !!

Cyberion 27th Jun 04 11:29 PM

No Inet available.. NO e-mail.. Well, it might be a good time to get out the soccer (football) and play around. :)

Firefox 27th Jun 04 11:34 PM

You will be missed, drop by your i-home when you can. Hopefully that place has running water.

Bads 27th Jun 04 11:35 PM

Come here everytime you can Alpine ;)

We will be here waiting for you my friend :lol:

tubebuoy 28th Jun 04 12:05 AM

Not even AOL?



mikeh420 28th Jun 04 01:01 AM

Wow. you can actually go somewhere where there is no Internet?! Where is it? I remember a place in the Sierras near Sacramento (CA) where they just got phone lines in 1998, before then cellular was the only link to the outside world. Good luck wherever you're going.

DoG 28th Jun 04 01:50 AM

Good luck Alpine, hope they lay you a cable real soon :D

KingCobra 28th Jun 04 02:34 AM

Take care & hope to see you soon.

Just for the record I love the internet too much to ever move anywhere there was no access to the web. You wouldn't be going to jail would ya Alpine? Wouldn't that make some news for the board! :P

Just kidding B)

wase4711 28th Jun 04 02:51 AM

hard to believe there is somewhere with no ISP..
best wishes, and hope we see you soon!

Vinnie 28th Jun 04 02:51 AM

What about satellite, if not, take care and come back when you can.

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