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[^LDS Member 2004^] 11th Jun 04 07:52 AM

Hello my BetaOne friends today mark the 2 year aniversary of the death of my father he died at 57 of cancer it for some reason is a rough day today so if I can get some friendly support on how to get through another grooling day on this date thanks my friends

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

JacKDynne 11th Jun 04 11:03 AM

Sorry to hear that m8 - in my experience you don't ever get over it you just learn to live with it - not easy to do I am sure but try not to think of his passing but of his life and how he used it, what he gave to you and others, and celebrate that :)

That's what I try to do when I think of my grandfather, who was more like a father to me, when the anniversary of his passing comes around. I just think of all the good things he did and of course I am sad he is gone but I am sure he is looking upon me from somewhere so I try to live up to the codes of honor and integrity he instilled on me by example, and keep the place he kept close to my heart. Death is not the end of life but the start of another journey and we should honor those that have passed by celebrating their life :)

That's what they would want us to do so try not to be so sad - I doubt my grandpa or your father would want either one of us feeling too downtrodden :)

Take care Count and hang in there - you have friends to help you through tough times :)


rikytik 11th Jun 04 11:31 AM

Yes, my dad died at 64, many years ago. I never got over it and constanting think of the things he yet wanted to do, about the things whe might have talked about had he lived to a "proper age". The beauty is that when you love someone like you obviously do, he lives on in your heart. Dying is part of life and the unfortant part is that he died so young and of an often painful disease.

Remember the good things and keep him close in year heart.

belthazor 11th Jun 04 12:08 PM

It's not something you will ever forget. It might even be healthy to revisit it once in awhile to grieve Jeff, but never let yourself dwell on it for too long. Try to think happy thoughts and definitely try to keep busy with other things to ocupy your mind.

Vinnie 11th Jun 04 01:06 PM

I don't really know what it's like to lose a parent, I can only imagine, I know it's easy to say, but time heals all wounds. Like everyone else has said, try to remember the good times and the love that the two of you shared.

Voodoo 11th Jun 04 01:14 PM

Count, I lost my dad at the age of 12. I am 36 now and as JD says even still today I get sad when I think about my dad ,,,,,,,, but I know I will see him one day. That I am 100% sure of.

Also lost my son at age 2 days. But he is also waiting for me to be reunited one day. That is what gets me through.

Luckily we have memories of our loved ones. So hang in there my friend, and cheris the memories

As I said, I don't know what your religion is, but I don't think it is a question of good bye, but rather untill we meet again.

Thinking of you.


war59312 11th Jun 04 04:23 PM

Don't worry too much!! Sure he's very proud of you.

You should have a big party tonight in his name. Get drunk as hell and go do something crazy like sky diving.

Sure he will be laughing his donkey off. :)

MinnesotaKid 11th Jun 04 04:27 PM

Hang in there. You could use the day to look back and reflect on the good times you had with your dad. Celebrate the life he lived and shared with you all. That's how I try to remember my sister who died at age 41.

Life is a gift and every day with loved ones is a blessing, so cherish each moment.


Bads 11th Jun 04 05:29 PM

Hello count pornula ;)

I really know what you are living these days :(

My father died in 1987 from a cancer too :angry: I was only 21 and I really loove him.

I talk to him everyday since he died and I will never forget him ;)

courage my friend ;)

pittpull 11th Jun 04 05:40 PM

i can only image how diffecult this can be

my thougs and prayers are with you today


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