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Voodoo 2nd Jun 04 08:02 PM

If I have a small lan (2 computers) setup with ICS and Sygate on the Internet PC. Do I also need to load Sygate on the other PC, seeing as it is also on the net?

Dave B)

largeknob 2nd Jun 04 10:17 PM

I have a home LAN and use sygate firewall pro. I did not find a need to put it on anywhere except the computer connected to the internet. So my response to you is only need it on the computer that is connected to the internet.

italiano 3rd Jun 04 07:20 AM

The easiest way to find out voodoo is before you install the software on your laptop goto

and run a firewall test.

If you are not completly stealthed..... then install good old Sygate !!

I did this and had to install a firewall on my laptop.
But my setup is such that my LAN goes through an external ethernet box which is independant from the computers, so the Firewall has to be individually installed on each machine



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