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italiano 31st Mar 04 05:37 PM

vsmon is part of ZoneAlarm Pro

Lately, I find that whenever I open a file such as a divx to play it, the monitor uses up 100% of my CPU and slows my pc down for a few minutes at a time until it stops it's scan. This is really frustrating me because I really like zonealarm firewall. :(

It is definatly a zonealarm problem, because when I uninstal zonealarm and get rid of the vsmon, the computer is Ok again :blink:

Anyone else ever have this problem?

Any help here appreciated :)


wase4711 31st Mar 04 06:50 PM

yes, I had the same problem; thats why I dumped ZA for Sysgate...
Never happened once since the switch!

war59312 31st Mar 04 10:44 PM

Yeap had that problem and dont even use software firewall atm. Hardware is good enough for me with my router. :)

Not sure what I will try next. I like zone alarm too but untill they work out all the problems forget it.

Bads 31st Mar 04 10:59 PM

There is a new version beta of ZoneAlarm out ;) Maybe they will fix this problem

war59312 31st Mar 04 11:07 PM


Originally posted by Bads@Mar 31 2004, 03:59 PM
There is a new version beta of ZoneAlarm out ;) Maybe they will fix this problem
Cool, just noticed it at beta news. Here is the url for everyone:

Changes in Current Version:
Enhanced AlertAdvisor with automatic policy recommendation
Antivirus Monitoring
New Alert viewer functionality

Dont say anything about it so i doubt it. :(

Bads 31st Mar 04 11:45 PM

I read the comments of some people and they have many problems to register this new beta :(

Dudelive 4th Apr 04 04:18 PM

This may be a bad suggestion but I have considered it for me and was wondering if you have thought about this....

How about going back to an older version, say one without all the web stuff in the settings area and use a second party with it for that purpose.

It seems since they upgraded it got worse, so if we can go back in time on the downgrades till all is good that may be a solution for XP users but not 2003 users though.

italiano 4th Apr 04 07:09 PM

I really like Zonealarm, but due to the huge cpu problems, I have had to uninstall it..

I am using the latest Kerio, which seems great, feature rich like Zone but without the problems.


Bads 4th Apr 04 07:46 PM


Originally posted by italiano@Apr 4 2004, 12:09 PM
I really like Zonealarm, but due to the huge cpu problems, I have had to uninstall it..

I am using the latest Kerio, which seems great, feature rich like Zone but without the problems.


Kerio is really good as ZoneAlarm ?

If yes, I will try it

saratogaSiX 4th Apr 04 08:04 PM

Thxs italiano, i too have un installed zone alarm, its been given me prob
lately i am now using agnitum outpost fw. i'd like to try this out out
and see which one to keep.

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