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gicio 7th Mar 04 07:58 PM


does anyone some experience with BITS
(Background Intelligent Transfer Service) and SSL and .NET ????

can someone give me some code samples how to use it?



robinwilson16 23rd Mar 04 11:01 AM

Do you mean encryption technologies requiring logins like on https:// sites where you sign in?

I think .net can be used on an asp server
I only run a php/mysql server though so I'm not too good on it

I think the MSDN site sould have a few samples of authentication techniques with .net

Not sure though:

BearCat 23rd Mar 04 12:34 PM

Not really having any personal experience with BITS over SSL ...


BITS Client can download files from any HTTP/1.1 compliant server.

but you might find some helpfull info over here, a downloadable SDK with some sample files :

In case anyone wonder what this is all about :
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is a Windows component that asynchronously transfers files in the foreground
or background, throttles the transfers to preserve the responsiveness of other network applications, and will automatically
resume file transfers when a computer is restarted and a network connection is re-established (ie. used by windows update).

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