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gicio 7th Mar 04 07:56 PM


does anyone have some experience with Jpeg2000 and .NET ???

can someone give me some code samples how to compress a picture to
Jpeg2000 with .NET ???

and how to show a Jpeg2000 picture although the picture is not loaded
complete??? (show the Jpeg2000 picture with a lower quality).

how to send (upload) DICOM Header of a Jpeg2000 picture???

best regards,


Thankbot 7th Mar 04 07:56 PM

1 User already said Thank You!


robinwilson16 24th Mar 04 12:12 PM

I know this probably isn't what you are after but how about saving a jpg file as an interlaced jpg. Is usually in the options when saving in an image editing application. That way while it loads, it appears straight away and the quality increases as it downloads
That's all I know sorry ;)

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