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Vinnie 21st Feb 04 06:03 PM

Just got a new computer with the Plextor burner, can I get some imput on the best media to use.

SlickVic78 21st Feb 04 07:04 PM

Hey Vinnie,

My 708A burner burned everything I threw at it so far...

The best media to go with usually are Verbatim DataLifePlus (but pretty much the most expensive)... TDK's are also really good.

For DVD-R's I've heard that Ritek G04's have been really good (I ordered a few the other day - so I will be sure to let you know how they turn out).

There are tons more that I cannot think of off the top of my head... oh yeah - Memorex isn't bad either... :lol:

I am sure there will be a lot of brothers and sisters here that will give their top media choice as well...

What program(s) are you planning on using with your new burner? Sometimes people complain that the media they use is no good - where it actually is the program and its settings they used which wasn't the good choice.

Hope some of this help! :)


Vinnie 21st Feb 04 09:33 PM

Thanks for the info SlickVic78
At the moment I'm trying to burn a DVD with Memories to TV. I thought it went pretty well but I had 3 out of the 18 albums that wont play right, video and audio jerks and freezes. The other 15 albums on the CD seem fine. The 3 in question were the first ones if that matters, also I'm burning with the Nero driver option. I'm using Sony DVD-R media.
I'm trying another program, Photo2DVD, as I speak, but the render time is painfully slow. It will be ready to burn sometime tonight.
I've been doing a little research on the web and the Verbatim DataLifePlus sounds like a really good media to use. I'd also like printable DVDs if possible, just got a new Epson Photo 960 that prints to DVD/CDs.

belthazor 21st Feb 04 10:44 PM

Vinnie, if you have access to a Sam's club, THAT'S the place to get Verbatim.

Around $37 for -R and $46 for +R 30 PK. :)

Vinnie 22nd Feb 04 12:21 AM

Thanks belthazor,
That will work out good, heading to the city tomorrow, Sam's club will be my first stop.

belthazor 22nd Feb 04 08:05 AM

One additional note Vinnie. They haven't had the 8X as of the last time I bought them, but they may now.
But guess what? The +R 4X burn @ 8X no problem. :D

SlickVic78 22nd Feb 04 08:14 AM

Hey belthazor,

I too noticed that the TDK DVD+R's I have that are currently rated at 4X burn quite well at 8X. :) I freaked when I saw Alcohol 120% saying it was burning at 8X - thought I was burning a coaster... Ended up working without any problems. :D


belthazor 22nd Feb 04 08:22 AM

That's good to know SlickVic78 :)
At the time they started making them they probably had no reason to put 8X on them. God I love pleasant suprizes. :D

felixml 22nd Feb 04 05:54 PM

Plextor site has a list of rec. media, personally use 4X with total success, when run out of 8X.

Vinnie 23rd Feb 04 05:33 AM

Got the Verbatim DVD+R today at Sam's Club. I went with the 30 pack for $46 (4x). They had some +R for $59 for a 50 pack but they where the old 2.4x. Haven't tried them yet, maybe tomorrow.

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