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dady 28th Jun 02 06:53 AM

what caused that error message?
i'm sure it wasn't me.
now there is another one -
and i didn't touch a key!
i bought a brand new program,
hope it didn't have a bug.
i think it's much more likely
it was caused by a mug.
the screen is black, the cursor's gone,
someone must have hid it.
aha, now it's back again -
but i don't know how i did it!
i'm sure that this computer
has a mind of its own,
so until i find an expert
better leave the thing alone!
well, now i'm on the internet,
i wish i had been told -
that all my little problems
would increase a thousand-fold!
i dialed up my home page,
just to have a look around
at anything of interest -
but the server can't be found.
finally it's working,
i access many sites,
got lots of information -
downloaded megabytes.
but how many bugs and cookies?
and they now know where i am,
so they'll use their planted spyware
to send me lots of spam.
i've had to quickly shut down,
'cos something froze the screen
and when i turned it on again
everything was green!
now having trouble starting up,
must be worse than it looks.
is it a virus or a worm?
oh well, back to reading books!

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