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DigitalSteel 18th Aug 03 07:41 AM

Hears a good question 4 ALL

i was wondering besdies a firewall and anti-virus and trojan scanning program running in the back ground to keep your computer safe

What other [i mean security] programs do you run and why in the background to help keep you safe on the net

eXample: a proxy 4 - anonymous surfing

doder 18th Aug 03 08:39 AM

call me foolish but all i use is a natd linux router/firewall{locked down tight}. :)

DigitalSteel 18th Aug 03 08:42 AM

SO you only use a linux - firewall and a sftware router


me was looking for otehr software solutions

eXample ad-aware [cause it does more then ad's it scan 4 loads of otehr harmfull things]

BetaguyGZT 19th Aug 03 08:17 PM

If you want more security, use Mozilla. Pop-up bocking, can be EASILY configured to hide your IP address from EVERYONE, a BUNCH of other stuff like auto-blocking a lot of ActiveX controls (you don't need as many as you may think... ). My $.02 .

Menace Inc 19th Aug 03 10:43 PM

Mozilla Firebird rocks

poolman 22nd Aug 03 01:30 AM

I have Pest patrol running along with NAV. I scan folders/ directories with PP before i open them and have found a few trojans this way. I think it is very reliable ;)

Bads 22nd Aug 03 02:21 AM

I use Norton + Trojan remover and Spybot etc................ :D

mikeh420 22nd Aug 03 03:00 AM

I use a Linksys DSL router, NAV2003 Pro, and SpyBot for adware. Keeps things pretty tight. Before the router, I had Norton Personal Firewall, which I got after getting hit by the NOTEPAD virus in '01. It detected all sorts of port scanning, trojans and all sorts of bad stuff. Haven't got hit since.

MaxPayne 22nd Aug 03 05:45 PM

I don't use a firewall or a router. Maybe stupid of me but I prefer to use windowsupdate and stay updated. Norton AV 2003 ofcourse, no puter should be without an antivirus.

SpyBot Search & Destroy ofcourse.

Oh, then I run Bind as a DNS resolver. I have set up about 1000 sites (ad sites) on a blocking domain. And I run Edexter to deliver a nice pic instead of webbugs. This way I'm free of webbugs and useage tracking by infamous ad sites. SpyBot takes care of the ad-wares and immunizes my browser.

I also use most of Steve Gibson of's small apps to make the puter safer. Check them out.

Hmm nothing other than that if I remember correctly.

Ah, forgot to mention that I have set up a list of cookies in IE that I always want to block. PopUpCop helps me fight those annoying popup hells :P

<Teasing on>
And, I think it is "Here's a good question...) :P
(Hears means something like "is listening to...")
<Teasing off>

Zone-MR 22nd Aug 03 06:02 PM

An ICS box acts as a router to provide protection from the multitude of vulnerabilities in windows. This is of course frequently kept up to date with windows update.

As to protection from viruses - nothing beats common sense. As a general rule I don't open attachments ending with ".jpg.vbs" ;) which makes 99% of email viruses useless. If I have any slightest hesitation about an executable I receive from someone, I use the windows "run as" feature to run it under a guest account. That way it cant edit anything on the disk, or any registry entries, making any malicious code ineffective. Call it insane, but I dont use an antivirus scanner - simply packing an exe with a compression program like UPX often defeats virus scanners, using common sense when opening files makes them redundant. I find running NAV in the background makes my computer more sluggish as it needs to analyse all executed code, and all data written/read from disk.

MaxPayne 22nd Aug 03 06:05 PM

Zone, what is ICS?

And.. if you use like NAV, it'll stop and ask you when you try to launch a possibly harmful vbs :)

I totally agree on the "common sense" thingy* B)

Oh (I keep editing these messages to death) if you're uncertain about an exe or such, a good app is TextScan by AnalogX ( It'll let you peek into the file for suspicious content.

Zone-MR 22nd Aug 03 06:09 PM

</span><blockquote><span class="smallfont">Quote:</span><hr size="1" />Originally Posted by (MaxPayne @ Aug 22 2003, 04:05 PM)
Zone, what is ICS?

And.. if you use like NAV, it'll stop and ask you when you try to launch a possibly harmful vbs :)

I totally agree on the "common sense" thingy* B)
<hr size="1" /></blockquote><span class='postcolor'>
ICS = internet connection sharing.

As to alerting me when launching a harmful VBS file, I have had no reason to run VBS files at all. And if I did, I would open it in notepad first and see what it does. Its certainly useful to be alerted, but the problem is the overhead and system slowdown caused by the computer needing to look at every bit of data read from the hard disk.

MaxPayne 22nd Aug 03 06:18 PM

</span><blockquote><span class="smallfont">Quote:</span><hr size="1" />Originally Posted by
Hears = derrivative of heard.

Here's = abbreviation for here is

Note the ', and the lack of the 'a' character
<hr size="1" /></blockquote><span class='postcolor'>

Was I wrong?&nbsp; :unsure:

MaxPayne 22nd Aug 03 06:25 PM

I use VBS alot, as it is the same language as ASP I feel very comfortable with it. Like running a task at regular intervals, I just script what I need to be done and add the VBS to the scheduler. Or problem solving things, like a friend wanted a script that accepts an IP range and outputs the low- and highbound IP addy. So I wrote this:

inIP = "172.16.0-10.0-255" 'Just an example, edit or use a msgbox :)
IP = Split(inIP, ".")

a = Split(IP(0), "-")
b = Split(IP(1), "-")
c = Split(IP(2), "-")
d = Split(IP(3), "-")

loIP = a(LBound(a)) & "." & _
b(LBound( b )) & "." & _
c(LBound( c )) & "." & _
d(LBound( d ))

hiIP = a(UBound(a)) & "." & _
b(UBound( b )) & "." & _
c(UBound( c )) & "." & _
d(UBound( d ))

MsgBox "Input:" & vbCrLf & _
inIP & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Output:" & vbCrlF & _
loIP & " - " & hiIP

Oooops, The smileys killed that message. Fixed it.

MaxPayne 22nd Aug 03 06:57 PM

</span><blockquote><span class="smallfont">Quote:</span><hr size="1" />Originally Posted by (Menace Inc @ Aug 19 2003, 10:43 PM)
Mozilla Firebird rocks <hr size="1" /></blockquote><span class='postcolor'>
Yeah it does, especially with the Spoof Plugin it is one of the best browsers around!


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