BetaONE will rise again!

BetaONE will rise again! (http:\\\forum/index.php)
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-   -   Welcome... (http:\\\forum/showthread.php?t=690)

Zone-MR 28th Jan 02 12:48 PM

Welcome to the #BetaONE channel dedicated to our IRC channel. This forum will be linked to from our IRC site (beta at, and will serve as the primary channel for IRC related help and crew discussion....

wennet 31st Jan 02 06:57 PM

Cool amazing idea, should be kept :)

adams 19th Feb 02 05:26 AM

maybe i'm stupid or something, but last week i was able to get in and now i can't. it says can't join channel (invite only). i am trying to connect using mirc6. can i only connect through the site or am i doing something wrong? thanks.

Zone-MR 19th Feb 02 10:13 AM

We have changed the IRC server you use and that is why you cant connect. You will have to update your settings in mIRC.

The new server is , channel is #beta

You can just type /server into your mirc status window, or follow the link irc://

belthazor 19th Feb 02 11:27 AM

The fact alone that some may not even know how to get there is one good idea as to having this forum.

adams 19th Feb 02 02:16 PM

thanks, didn't realize we had changed.

Nichotin 5th Mar 02 07:53 AM


BlackDeathX 10th Apr 02 05:59 PM

Hey everyone! I was reading through this IRC Support foru last nite while I was signing up, and noticed this is mainly IRC Support just for betairc.. I was kinda hoping to see more then just that, so what do you all say we actually have some stuff here about IRC in general, not just about betairc :p

genius001 10th Apr 02 06:02 PM

i guess if you ask a question related to another script/network, im sure the betairc team will gladly try to answer it...


Sephiroth 10th Apr 02 11:01 PM

yep, if you have any questions feel free to ask :)

BlackDeathX 11th Apr 02 12:11 AM

heh, alright whenever I can think of a question I'll ask it. same as for you all. if you have an irc question, ask away and I'll see if I can help out in any way :cool:

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