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Sony 13th Oct 04 07:36 AM

I decided to run the new PCAUDIt 6.3 test and is so much nastyer than the old version

This apps try to connect to the with almost every program that is allowed in my firewall to connect to internet,

The old version was easily blocked by removing explorer to have access to port 80

This new version iis way more tricky it used almost all my systray apps to try to connect from logitech mouseware to NOD32 !!!

Luckly the good old sygate asked me about this app trying to connect and after blocking them all i got a good result

If you have not run this version you should try !!


saratogaSiX 13th Oct 04 08:12 AM

Thxs sony, my outpost fw failed me bigtime.
Guess its time i gave sysgate a try.

rikytik 13th Oct 04 10:34 AM

Do you suppose there is some kind of trick here. If you don't open IE and type something the test will not procede.

Do you suppose PCAudit is simply gathering certain data and transmitting it over port 80, which would normally have to have access to the internet? What it seems to send is a directory listing of MyDocuments, key strokes of what was typed on the web page and an image of what was being viewed in IE 6, the computer name, user name and IP. No other directories are listed.

I ran Steve Gibson's "LeakTest" and passed. The usual ports test passed as well.

I don't well understand what is happening in the PCAudit 6.3 program, but it seems possible it could be a marketing trick, No? Anybody know how this little program works?

rikytik 13th Oct 04 12:56 PM

It's a couple hours later and I installed Sygate to try it with PCAudit. THis time I opened a text editor and typed a couple letters and when Sygate asked if it could open IE, I said no. The data was still transmitted.

I hope some members more up on this subject can shed some light on this test, which is troubling.

btw, the Sygate security test shows that the Sygate's web site is unable to obtain any info at all from the pc in question, other than the ip

Bads 13th Oct 04 04:19 PM

I just type some letters in notepad and the test was failed :blink:

I use Sygate.

war59312 13th Oct 04 07:58 PM

Also here is everything this app sends over the net.


rikytik 13th Oct 04 08:20 PM

Still reading and digesting all this. But. Just for the record, I unintalled McAfee Firewall, Installed Zone Alarm "latest edition", uninstalled, then installed Sygate (latgest edition). Nothing stopped this "thing".


war59312 13th Oct 04 09:32 PM


Originally posted by rikytik@Oct 13 2004, 02:20 PM
Still reading and digesting all this.  But. Just for the record, I unintalled McAfee Firewall, Installed Zone Alarm "latest edition", uninstalled, then installed Sygate (latgest edition).  Nothing stopped this "thing".


Sygate Pro. Latest Build will stop it once you have it setup correctly like I descired earlier. Srry its such a mess but i'm a rush. Trying to stay up to date today and do damn Cobol at the same time which i'm way behind in. :( God I hate it and dont give a shit about. :(((((

Sony 14th Oct 04 01:35 AM

good job at explaining everything war
I was to lazy when i posted didn't even look at my setting cause sygate passed for me first time (i have dll on)

tested without and it fails


rikytik 14th Oct 04 01:40 AM

war, thanks for taking the time to explain this to me. I learned a lot after spinning my wheels for several hours and trying various firewalls. Really appreciate the lesson in security.

rikytik 14th Oct 04 03:27 PM

------meanwhile, a couple hours later-----------

Sony's thread about PCAudi and War's explanation were a wake up call for me. In going thru the paces, I installed x-NetStat 5.1 and found a curious connection from the other pc on my LAN.


This didn't show up in Sygate (latest version, set to DLL Authentification, but showed up in x-NetStat with the IP of the other pc on this LAN.

I ran AdAware, Trojan Remove, Kaspersky AV 5 and nothing showed up. Finally I did a search of the registry with Registry Crawler and found moscow.eau, etc. two places in the Registry along with some other moscow things.

At that point I deleted all the cookies in IE6 (there were a lot)and then the registry entries disappeared. I don't know what to make of it.

Anyway, things are tighter here now, thanks to the Sony's thread.

Sony 14th Oct 04 06:23 PM


Originally posted by rikytik@Oct 14 2004, 01:27 PM
.........  Hostname:

This didn't show up in Sygate (latest version, set to DLL Authentification, but showed up in x-NetStat with the IP of the other pc on this LAN. 


I found the same entry on my pc (see screenshot)

The weird thing is that show my internal IP with that host name!!!

I need to ivestigate this , now you got me worried

If you find more information please let me know it's time to bed here so I will have to do my homework tomorrow morning about


rikytik 15th Oct 04 12:07 AM

Wow. Really weird. Your screen shot is exactly like mine.

I thougtht it gone after a total cookie and registy clean up, but this evening that same thing logged on. With x-NetSTat I was able to kick it off, but Sygate isn't doing anything.

The saga continues.


war59312 15th Oct 04 01:14 AM

Try Ethereal for more info. ;)



Charter Communications Holding Company, LLC (CHARTER25-DOM)
  12405 Powerscourt Drive
  St. Louis, MO 63131

  Domain Name: CHARTER.COM

  Administrative Contact:
      MASTER, HOST  (20118779I)                     
      Charter Communications Holding Company
      12405 Powerscourt Drive
      St. Louis, MO 63131
      636 733 5300 fax: 636 394 9797

  Technical Contact:
      Charter Communications  (GZDZEHXCQO)                     
      12405 Powerscourt Dr.
      St. Louis, MO 63131

  Record expires on 29-Jul-2006.
  Record created on 30-Jul-1994.

  Domain servers in listed order:



Website Title:  Charter
Response Code:  200
SSL Cert: SSL is expired!
Yahoo Directory:  B2B > Broadband
Yahoo Title:  Charter Communications
Yahoo Description:  Broadband communications company.
Website Status:  Active
Reverse IP:  Web server hosts 11 websites (reverse ip tool requires free login)
Server Type:  Microsoft-IIS/5.0
IP Address: (ARIN & RIPE IP search)
IP Location:  - Missouri - Chesterfield - Catalyst Soloutions Group
Whois History:  127 records stored
Record Type:  Domain Name
Monitor:  Monitor or Backorder
Wildcard search:  'charter' in all domains.
Other TLDs:  .com .net .org .info .biz .us

Created:  30-jul-1994
Expires:  29-jul-2006
Status:  ACTIVE

Oh nice. IIS 5.0. hehe You know what that means. :P

Sony 15th Oct 04 02:30 AM


Originally posted by war59312@Oct 14 2004, 11:14 PM
Try Ethereal for more info. ;)

Oh nice. IIS 5.0. hehe You know what that means. :P

I still don't get why my internal IP is associate with that domain ?

war59312 15th Oct 04 04:56 AM


Originally posted by sony@Oct 14 2004, 08:30 PM
I still don't get why my internal IP is associate with that domain ?

oh wtf yeah i was not even paying attendtion lol

Is that not your host name?

If it is then it just got it by resolving your internet ip address (Reverse DNS) and just told u your lan ip address instead.

If not then some program is messing with your dns server and assigning a host name to your lan ip for whatever reason. Or you isp did or whatever...

unicorn 15th Oct 04 11:19 AM


Oh nice. IIS 5.0. hehe You know what that means. :P

No. What does it mean? (Is it a microsoft server that is hacked by deafult?)

What is a reasonable explanation to the "moscow" part of the ip? Is that one of the web sites that is hosted by I noticed that moscow demands a login to their website.

This thread is too confusing to me. The only conclusion I have done so far is that I should have a separate box for my www adventures. There I should start fresh every session by using a ghosted image of a clean install. Or a deep freezed version. Gonna check theese options. A separate box may be just the right thing, then I can have my computer where I really work clean and nice.
This is getting crazy. Do I want to live in such a world? Of course I do (the option seems boring) but I don't really want to spend half of my time to different security precautions.

Thanks to all that contributed here,

rikytik 15th Oct 04 12:59 PM

I found the moscow thing on there again a bit ago.

There are quite a few articles around about IIS. I don't understand this problem yet. :(

war59312 15th Oct 04 03:24 PM

oh my bad...i was just kidding...i just men IIS is a pos and there are so many security issues....thats all... srry for the confusion...


Um yeah I would say that a charter isp ip that your ISP?

if not yeah something is going on...

war59312 15th Oct 04 03:28 PM


Site does not even exist it seems? At least not http.


Originally posted by unicorn@Oct 15 2004, 05:19 AM

No. What does it mean? (Is it a microsoft server that is hacked by deafult?)

What is a reasonable explanation to the "moscow" part of the ip? Is that one of the web sites that is hosted by I noticed that moscow demands a login to their website.

This thread is too confusing to me. The only conclusion I have done so far is that I should have a separate box for my www adventures. There I should start fresh every session by using a ghosted image of a clean install. Or a deep freezed version. Gonna check theese options. A separate box may be just the right thing, then I can have my computer where I really work clean and nice.
This is getting crazy. Do I want to live in such a world? Of course I do (the option seems boring) but I don't really want to spend half of my time to different security precautions.

Thanks to all that contributed here,

Sony 15th Oct 04 03:53 PM


Originally posted by war59312@Oct 15 2004, 01:24 PM
oh my bad...i was just kidding...i just men IIS is a pos and there are so many security issues....thats all... srry for the confusion...


Um yeah I would say that a charter isp ip that your ISP?

if not yeah something is going on...

Not at all is not my ISP!!!!

My internal IP is assigned automatically by my hardware rounter wich make it even more strange that is show as that.

I use a linksys wtr 54g router ....... and a alcatel speedtouch dsl modem

rikytik what hardware do you use?

rikytik 15th Oct 04 04:03 PM

My router is the same model as yours Sony. I don't use Charter either and am connected by cable.

The appearance of the mosow.eau connection also reflects the internal 192.168.101 ip apparently generated by the router. The connection seems to be PC#1 connecting to PC#2 Both are hardwired to the router. It is on PC#1 that I found the moscow entries in the registry using Registry Crawler. None of my scanning stuff found them. I did a whole sale reg clean and in poking around found about 4,000 directories in HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2025429265-1580436667-1801674531-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Int ernet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\ that relate to mostly pop up and other spyware type connections that happened over the past year or two. Those directories appear to be void of any useful data, probably due to the registry cleaner (Registry Medic 3). It removed 100+ entries. But those thousands of directories are still there. Just trying to figure my next step.

Haven't rulled out a clean install and start fresh with a new attitude about security.

Sony 15th Oct 04 04:27 PM

hmmm i searched everywhere my regestry and i only found the entry from xstat nothing else.

I'm really confused about this one ....i run every possible virus and trojan scanner that i know of most of the spyware tools and nothing is found on my system

I even passed the bloody test that i posted in this thread.

I alwasy been extra carefull with my system security .........i'm thinking that xstat is somehow detecting the ndisuio.sys used by linksys router as that but i'm not really sure.............

If you find more info let me know I will do the same


rikytik 15th Oct 04 04:37 PM

Yes, occurred to me also it is curious that this is happening with two same model Linksys routers.

I am going to restore this machine to a much earlier image and see what I find there, then decide about a clean install. Hmm. We'll see. I'll be following this thread! :)

rikytik 15th Oct 04 04:39 PM

Sony, one observation. I notice in your screen shot that the "Process" is Firefox.exe.

The 3 instances where I copied the connection info, all mine were "System".

Not sure what that means.

Sony 15th Oct 04 04:56 PM


Originally posted by rikytik@Oct 15 2004, 02:39 PM
Sony, one observation.  I notice in your screen shot that the "Process" is Firefox.exe. 

The 3 instances where I copied the connection info, all mine were "System".

Not sure what that means.

yeah i have system too
everything that i double click in xstats show as moscow with my internal IP

wondering if it's just a problem with x netstat and our hardware... i really like to test a different software and see

rikytik 15th Oct 04 05:01 PM

I have been think it is PC#1, but I just found this in the registry of PC#2

I'm wondering if this is simply part of x-netstat

rikytik 15th Oct 04 05:08 PM

A better view of the registry tree relating to preceeding screen shot. You think we've been chasing our tail on this one?

Sony 15th Oct 04 05:14 PM


Originally posted by rikytik@Oct 15 2004, 03:08 PM
A better view of the registry tree relating to preceeding screen shot.  You think we've been chasing our tail on this one?

I think is part of the DNS cache of xnetstats
if you open xnetstats and go to tools > option

click on edit DNS cache

you will notice that in the cache internal IP is equal to the freaking moscow name

close the dns cache

still in option click on clear dns cache

close xnetstat

restart it

now your internal IP should show your computer name !!!! yayay

unicorn 15th Oct 04 05:18 PM

Off-topic now, put here just to make it clear.


Originally posted by war59312@Oct 15 2004, 03:28 PM
Site does not even exist it seems? At least not http.

Sorry for that. It was h**p:// that asked for authentication. moscow weren't there (at least not http, right).

rikytik 15th Oct 04 05:32 PM

You are a genius, Sony. Man, did that ever cause me a lot of worry. Well, all part of the game and I sure learned a lot of things. Very enriching thread you started, Sony. :)

Thanks for the data, unicorn. The big concern I had was why was this connection showing up on my pc. Thanks for your help.

And war, too. Great thread.

Sony 15th Oct 04 05:39 PM

I'm glad we have it sorted.
I was pulling my hair for a few hrs on this one
Once i run every possiblescan on my sytem i decided that i needed to look in the xnetstat cause the chance of my pc be infected are not that big (i like to belive so anyway.......)

Now i have different problem that i need to solve........ but i might start a new thread.

Take care buddy and everyone that contributed to this thread


Leech 15th Oct 04 06:29 PM

I just did this test and failed misrebly. I have McAfee Personal Firewall Plus, and McAfee viruscan Enterprise 8.1i running also .. This i behind a router .. Man what a shake up.

I wonder what I could do to fix that .. When the test was done it lead me to a page that showed the page I was on, it had a photo of my desktop. everything was there. It had the name of my pc, my ip address, my my docs folder list and so on - It even had my favorites list !! ... This is pathedic. ...

Leech 15th Oct 04 06:41 PM

Hmm .. It seems to be a test of things going out - not coming in. SO if you think about it and you are behind a router or a software firewall. If some tried to get in they wouldn't be able to. This only explain in better detail why I insist on having a soft firewall along side the router ..

roadworker 15th Oct 04 08:03 PM

What the disclaimer "forgot" to tell you,is that the windows/system32 .dll they used tries to connect 1 last time AFTER you ran the test and closed the pcaudit program.......which possibly means:

if you login somewhere with a real user/pass,it's possible that this info is transmitted :blink:

EyU 15th Oct 04 09:39 PM

All this is interesting , I didn't run the file , it's detected as Spyware and , that is enough for me to not run it.
So how is it fixable , the vunerability I mean?
I suppose any software that had it incorporated would be detected by scanners anyway.
So what's the worry?

war59312 16th Oct 04 01:42 AM


Originally posted by EyU@Oct 15 2004, 03:39 PM
All this is interesting , I didn't run the file , it's detected as Spyware and , that is enough for me to not run it.
So how is it fixable , the vunerability I mean?
I suppose any software that had it incorporated would be detected by scanners anyway.
So what's the worry?

Detected as sypware? With what?

EyU 16th Oct 04 02:40 PM

With NAV 2005

Source: C:\Documents and Settings\Me\Desktop\pcaudit.exe
Description: The file C:\Documents and Settings\Me\Desktop\pcaudit.exe is a Spyware threat.
Click for more information about this threat : link Spyware.Pcaudit

Firefox 16th Oct 04 05:58 PM

So PCAudit is a gloryfied Keylogger, at least it helped patch the .dll hole.

@ .Unicorn if you want to browse cleanly everey time, why not just pop in linspire live cd it takes a couple of minutes to boot, but most everything is done with a RAM disk (I belive, My understanding is it is Like surfing in a PE enviroment and you can always save pages as favorites then export favorites to a Flash disk or USB disk, for revisisting later.

Just food for thought.

war59312 16th Oct 04 07:41 PM


Originally posted by Firefox@Oct 16 2004, 11:58 AM
So PCAudit is a gloryfied Keylogger, at least it helped patch the .dll hole.
@ .Unicorn if you want to browse cleanly everey time, why not just pop in linspire live cd it takes a couple of minutes to boot, but most everything is done with a RAM disk (I belive,  My understanding is it is Like surfing in a PE enviroment and you can always save pages as favorites then export favorites to a Flash disk  or USB disk, for revisisting later. 

Just food for thought.

In deed and you can write to hard drive if you have a parton setup and have accesss, as if it was installed like normal.

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