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Voodoo 10th Jul 04 04:12 PM

What do you think of this gmail signature?

If you want one just post here with the name you want and I will make one. ;)

Dave B)

Thankbot 10th Jul 04 04:12 PM

2 Users already said Thank You!

WarezRocks, Voodoo,

KingCobra 10th Jul 04 04:23 PM

Very nice. You should sell custon sigs on Ebay. B)

DoG 10th Jul 04 06:55 PM

Very nice DL, maybe you could rustle a quick one up for dogzbollox :D

Voodoo 10th Jul 04 07:07 PM

@DoG, Here you go, my friend.

Dave B)

DoG 10th Jul 04 07:21 PM

That was sooooo fast :D Thanks a lot, it's perfect :)

Voodoo 10th Jul 04 07:34 PM

Here is something else. Just let me know which one you prefer. ;)

Dave B)

Voodoo 10th Jul 04 07:36 PM

And lastly......

Dave :D

WarezRocks 10th Jul 04 08:47 PM

Think you could make one up for me?

My GMail:

SlickVic78 10th Jul 04 08:52 PM


Originally posted by WarezRocks@Jul 10 2004, 02:47 PM
LMAO! :lol1: Now that is a great email address!


Voodoo 10th Jul 04 08:58 PM

@WarezRocks, wich one do you want? Number 1, 2 or 3. (In order that I posted them.)


EDIT: Here is one in the meantime. Just let me know if you wanted another.

WarezRocks 10th Jul 04 09:46 PM

Thanks M8! That one was perfect :)

[^LDS Member 2004^] 10th Jul 04 09:50 PM

Heya could you make 4 for me and in the 2 diff styles

email addresses

thanks buddy :D

Voodoo 10th Jul 04 10:48 PM

Hi there Count.

Here you go. There are 3 different ones, so not sure what u want. Check the zip and let me know what else.

Dave B)

Vinnie 10th Jul 04 11:06 PM

Hey, do you mind telling me what font are you using?

Voodoo 10th Jul 04 11:28 PM

Hi there Vinnie.

The GMAIL is made from the origional logo.

The name and the .COM uses TREBUCHET MS. Very nice font for small letters.

Dave B)

[^LDS Member 2004^] 11th Jul 04 12:25 AM

Thank You those are perfect

war59312 11th Jul 04 12:48 AM

Sure I'd love to have one. The first style please.


italiano 11th Jul 04 07:38 AM


Could you do me one too Voodoo ?

The first style please

Voodoo 11th Jul 04 10:39 AM

Will, here you go. ;)

Dave B)

Voodoo 11th Jul 04 10:40 AM

@Italiano, here is yours, my friend. ;)

Dave B)

merlin 11th Jul 04 10:54 AM

very nice m8 i stole it to make one for me too..hope you don't mind

thanx m8 will pass it about if thats ok always giving pr0ps to you for the original ;)

Vinnie 11th Jul 04 11:28 AM


Originally posted by Voodoo@Jul 10 2004, 04:28 PM
Hi there Vinnie.

The GMAIL is made from the origional logo.

The name and the .COM uses TREBUCHET MS. Very nice font for small letters.

Dave B)

Thanks, after re-formatting I didn't have that one. I also "borrowed" your sig to make me one if that's O.K.

Voodoo 11th Jul 04 11:43 AM

@Vinnie & Merlin.

No problems guys. I also did not make the origional. Found it on another forumn, but the quality wasn't that good. So I spent a little time cleaning it up and adding a clearer logo etc.

So use as you want. I just thought it would look nice here in our home.


merlin 11th Jul 04 11:47 AM

And a little creation of my own

merlin 11th Jul 04 12:26 PM

And another creation its unlimited what you can do i guess with a little imagination

KingCobra 11th Jul 04 01:31 PM

It's been sometime since the Graphic Design section had such traffic.

I enjoy looking at everyones creations. :lol:

italiano 11th Jul 04 04:09 PM

Thanks Voodoo !!


DaMaster 16th Jul 04 08:58 PM

@ Voodoo, could me make me a gmail sig with my email to please of the first style?

My email addy is:


war59312 16th Jul 04 09:09 PM


Originally posted by Voodoo@Jul 11 2004, 04:39 AM
Will, here you go. ;)

Dave B)

Thanks a ton,

Voodoo 17th Jul 04 10:21 AM

@ DaMaster. As attachments don't work at the moment I sent your gmail sig to your gmail account. LOL


DaMaster 17th Jul 04 01:10 PM

Thanks man, I got da logo in ma gmail :P top job! thanks!

war59312 18th Jul 04 09:03 AM


Can you fix mine. Its broke. lol Needs to be transparnt or you get something like this:



Voodoo 18th Jul 04 06:25 PM

Damn, sorry bout that. :( I used the wrong template to make the sig. I had a cleaned up one but it seems I deleted it. :angry:

Anyways, I fixed it up a little and it now looks much better. ;)

@ war59312, sent your new one to your gmail.

@ others who I have made sigs for: Just shout if you need one that will work with a dark background as well.

Dave :(

war59312 19th Jul 04 04:11 AM

All right cool. Thanks a ton, man.

Take Care,

Dijital 20th Jul 04 01:23 AM

@VooDoo hey could I get a few of the first style as well, greatly appreciated, and could you tell me how all you guys got so great at building these images and sigs I wanna learn how to do it myself but don't even know where to START!!


Voodoo 20th Jul 04 08:11 PM

@Dijital, I am going to do you a favour. I am not going to make you the sigs. Instead I will send ypu the PS file. Use it, look at the layers and then change the text so that the sig reflects yours.

Please try first and after that, if you are still stuck, let me know and I will help you out.

I know that with your first address you might get stuck because it is so long. The other two should be easy.

Please pm me if you have any further questions.

Good luck.


Grzyb 22nd Jul 04 03:45 PM


Originally posted by Voodoo@Jul 20 2004, 06:11 PM
@Dijital, I am going to do you a favour. I am not going to make you the sigs. Instead I will send ypu the PS file. Use it, look at the layers and then change the text so that the sig reflects yours.

Please try first and after that, if you are still stuck, let me know and I will help you out.

I know that with your first address you might get stuck because it is so long. The other two should be easy.

Please pm me if you have any further questions.

Good luck.


Hi Dave,

Could you send the PS File my way....Have just downloaded some Photoshop Tutorials.....

So am itching to try something......

Voodoo 22nd Jul 04 07:20 PM

@ Grzyb, how are you doing? Sent the psd file to your gmail. Enjoy playing.


belthazor 25th Jul 04 12:44 PM

OK Dave, my turn to beg. :P
Could I please have one like yours?

Thanks :)

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