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wase4711 14th May 04 05:37 PM

wow, lots of varied opinions on this,,

Tubey, i guess old farts like us, who have seen how the Muslim religion has grown to hate the Western "way" don't have alot of patience for how some of the younger folks feel about this issue.

Truth be told, Tubey is 1000% correct; every day, more and more Muslims who used to tolerate our Western Ways, grow to hate our ways; whether its pressure from their fellow Muslims, or just the way westerners live, its the cold cruel facts of todays' world.
Whether you like it or not, THEY expect tolerance for their way of life, yet more and more do not want to offer us the same common courtesy..

I am not saying all Muslims feel this way, but as I look back at their perception of the USA 20 years ago, and compare it to how it is today, there is NO DOUBT their hate for our culture and way of life has grown dramatically..
And, since many of the members here are under 30 years of age, they aren't aware of this dramatic increase of HATE the Muslim world has moved toward us in the last 20+ years.

Agree or disagree, the reality is Ameica is hated now more than ever, and if you don't agree, then you need to open your eyes much wider than you do now....

italiano 14th May 04 07:45 PM

I fully One million Percent agree with you wase4711

I live in an area which is made up mainly of Asian muslims, heck my neighbours are too.

This area used to be called 'little italy'

In the past 6 months, I have 3 times had muslims knocking at my door asking me if I want to sell up because they want to live next door to their relatives....

They even asked the local council if they called put load speakers outside their main mosque which allows them to broadcast the call to prayer !!

What a cheek.....!!!

Worse still, I have seen muslim youth, when they go out on the streets chanting anti western slogans.... This is quite commmon here..

When the towers were destroyed in New York, many youths took to their cars and were sounding their car horns in joy..... they visited their neighbours and embraced in the streets chanting 'Allah Akbar" ..... God is Great .....

For over 10 years, I have taught in schools, which have a large population of muslims in them... their contempt for any others apart from their own 'Brothers in Islam' is plain to see...

I have even had muslim youth say to my face that I am an animal and that I will rot in Hell unless I 'embrace Islam' .....

I have yet to met a muslim that thinks sincerely that terrorism against others is wrong... they all keep giving their reasons for why they blow themselves up and why they kill.....

"We do it because it is 'our deen' (a decree by our prophet) to do so...

Death is only a temporary thing, if we fight in the path of Allah (God) we will be saved, so It don't matter if we blow our selves up... "

I have been, and am at the front end of what is going on here and see it everyday...

Believe me... I am not anti Muslim... but with what is occuring and what I see and hear makes me wonder if I am not becoming that way :(

I often go shopping in our main second city Birmingham and take the family.

I once parked by The Central Mosque there... It was a Muslim Holy day.... what did I see, but muslims selling little dolls of Osama Bin laden, and scarfes with his name dotted with Holy sayings of the Prophet on them... other stalls were selling Ant Western Speeches on cheap tapes, which were recorded by radical Imams which were ridiculing the west.. and how we would all rot in Hell and that the Western Forces needed and would indeed be overthrown !!!

war59312 14th May 04 08:18 PM

Damn italiano, that would never happen here. If it did a lot of people would be dead. Seriously!!

They would probably be blown up as they wish or cooked alive. :(

Most rednecks around here will not take that crap. Thank God cause I would go crazy if I saw people doing that exspically the 9-11 thing.

In my eyes they are trators and should die a trators dealth. Guess I'm just sick of all the crap they can get away with. BTW dont mean just musliums, I mean all relgions. It is pretty sad. So what because I'm not a muslium I can't pray at school out loud and yell anti muslium sulers. What because I'm not a cristion I'm not allowed to watch cristion prodcasts in cristion only school. Oh there we go what I cant go to a cristion school because I'm not cristion. lol

Today racism and destrimination are more alive then ever. Just look around every once and a while. Yea it more hidden then ever. It sucks. Still feel sorry for black wemon in are country. Or even worst the indians, man, women and child.

Treated like crap compared to the rest of us.

Free speech and free expression has been taken way to far.

You know what I think we should give them what they want. lol They like blowing themselves up so much. haha

Lets nuke the basterds. Maybe then, will they only be happy. :P


And we so badly want them to be happy don't we. :huh:

KingCobra 15th May 04 12:24 AM

Well I don't agree with them, but there are several people/groups I don't agree with. Just because I see kids standing across the high school on lunch smoking, I don't assume that they take drugs. Our kids doctor is a muslim 110%. He looks just like Osama bin Ladin and when I first seen Osama bin Ladin's picture on TV I was in shock. After all, in the 2 years before 911 he would take off to return to Iraq to practice his muslim ways. He had often talked a little during the kids visits about his religion. Of course, I respect his thoughts but I do not agree. Does he scare me? NO! Our now 5 year old daughter almost died at 1 month old with double Pneumonia. Three other doctors over a week period missed it. Two emergency room doctors and her regular doctor. Only when her regular doctor was unavailable did the substitute doctor say, "I'm not sure so goto the hospital and have the pediatrician on call look at her." This is where we first seen our now muslim pediatrician and he takes care of all 4 of our rugrats. He called for a full chest X-ray and went to wait for them to be developed. When he returned to the room it was obvious that he was very troubled & in a hurry. It was clear that our daughter was very close to death. Like it or not, the one and only Lord & GOD used him in a great way to help my family. Right after 911 when many were giving the muslim people a hard time I called his office and told him I'm very sorry for the way I know those muslim people like himself are being treated here in the USA. I thanked him again and told him not to worry, he would continue to be our pediatrician.

I would just like to end with this...

I don't have the answers to what is going on right now in the world. I don't agree with things that have been done on either side and I don't trust either side. I just try to due unto others as I wish they would due unto me. I trust GOD will continue to bless my family and I for that.

If you care, my favorite bible quote is:

KJV Proverbs 26 Verse 11
As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

Edit - He does wear that thing on his head all the time.

war59312 15th May 04 02:20 AM

Yeap I agree. I know a ton of Muslium people. Mostly from school. Girls too. Of course they dont ware those things over their head or anything.

I mean after all this is America. I just hate any relgion that looks down on certotion groups of people. Cristian included.

All I know is that if i saw someone pick on them i would kick their donkey.

They are just like me. I'm just worried about the ones who do, do ralies agaist usa, who hell reacila, anti american bs. ETC. Most of them are mean and sick. Mean to their own wifes and chrildren. Its sick.

You know were the husmand makes the wife stay home. Shes not allowed to do anything. The man is in control of everything. Just like slavery. She has to ware clothing to cover your face. Oh hell no. THis is america and each of us has rights includeing those of us who do not agree with american way of life, etc. You still must follow the laws and respect everyone decently including your wife. Even if it is agaisnt your relgion. To me reglion should be complety last in all scopes of things. Man the would be a happy place.

See I could care less about reglion. To me it does not matter. If you blieve in a God fine but if God does not exist well guess your scewed. And the same away around. No one knows the truth and i just wish people would stop acting like they do. Its not ment to be figured out.

Just live. You think people 2000 years ago gave a damn, really in old scops of things. They were trying to surrify. Today i guess its so big cause we are simply bored. lol Might as well stick up for something. Thats what most of us are tought from bith. But who really gives a damn and end then end it wont matter one bit what you or i or anyone else beleives, thinks whatever. Only what is matters. Thats it.

People need to rleize that. I just think most people are scared to live in a world without any anwsers. Well thats the wrold your lving it you just dont want to adimit it. Your scared and thats allright. So am I deep down. If your not scarred then you really are insane. But even the insance are scared. ;)

So guess my point is relgion is no big deal and stop wasting your time wondering and trying to prove whatever. Just live. You only get one change. At least as far as I know. lol Live life to the fullest. You can no do that worroying all the time and relieing on a god or whatever to fix all the problems in the world. Um guess what I mean is that the World is far better off not believing in a God then it is beliving in one or many or whatever. Because then you are forced to work your hardest for everything. You are in control of your life not some God or whaever.

Guess thats my fear, that is not having free will. To me all, every relgion takes that away from you some way or nother. But so does everthing else such as soctiey. Guess I'm one of those who blieve you learn everything. Be it environment, learned behaviros, etc.

Maybe I'm just crazy who knows. Guess everyone will find out one day. Or maybe not. :(

tubebuoy 15th May 04 03:21 AM

I want to make it perfectly clear that I do NOT condone hatred nor disrespect directed toward the millions of peacful Muslims around the world. My comments have been aimed at only the TERRORISTS. The terrorist LEADERS are nothing more than "hate pimps". It's what they do for a living.

It's important to remember that most religious people believe what they do because their parents rasied them this way. And while the Koran certainly contains passages that offend most Christians you might want to consider that "confirmed" Catholics believe their Priest performs a "Miracle" during holy communion when he turns the wafer and wine into the flesh and blood of Jesus.

In effect, millions of Catholics gather every Sunday to drink blood and eat flesh! Do you think they actually belive this? It doesn't matter. It *IS* Catholic doctrine. But it does beg the question, do you actually think the vast majority of Muslims think it's OK to butcher all non believers?

Of course not. Let's keep our focus on the terrorists and the radicals. Let's build a democratic government in Iraq and give their youth something more than despair and subjugation to tyranny as an option to a brighter future.

And don't let the Liberal Democrats trying to regain power in the U.S. Senate aided by the Liberal media confuse you with their propaganda. They don't care how many Americans OR Iraqis die as long as they regain control of the White House and all of those Senate comities.

I am NOT a Republican! I'm a Libertarian. And I know skanks when I see them!


italiano 15th May 04 04:15 AM

Fully agree guys, lots of muslims are peaceful and live a good life.
There are fundalmentalists and extremeists in ALL religions....

But sadly, terrorists do exist, and yes, to justify their actions they do turn to old retoric and guidelines and religious quotes to justify what they do !!

The key question here is:

What conditions leads a being to turn from being a normal human into one, that is prepared to kill, torture and harm others.... as well as themselves ..... and why is GOD always used as the excuse ??

And more importantly still is:

Why is it only in the past decade that all of this stuff has started to rear it's ugly head to the point that peoples around the world don't feel safe anymore ???

sunfire 15th May 04 11:29 PM

:P I can handle most anything. Not sure what was more disturbing, the actual event or the voices you hear in the backround. Not sure how people can be so brainwashed as to do something like this. I guess I know now what the Iraqi people went through day in and day out for the past 20 years. I hate the fact that the US is over there but on the other hand I am glad that for the most part the Iraqi people should hopefully be able to have some sort of freedom.
Don't get me wrong I am not raciest in anyway. If the situation were reversed and these were American Soldiers, I would hope the killers would be brought to justice.
Just one small question? Was Mr. Berg alive when this happend?


belthazor 16th May 04 01:03 AM

The ugly truth appears to be that he was alive.

Zone-MR 16th May 04 02:24 AM :o

I don't belong to the tin-foil-hat brigade, but the above certainly raises some interesting questions. Anyone got answers?

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