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belthazor 3rd Apr 03 12:18 AM

you're excused. Need some TP?

kamikazee 3rd Apr 03 12:19 AM

I'm sure AD doesn't need me sticking up for him, I don't even know him and although you may disagree with what he has to say it was the ferocity used by everyone who attacked him for voicing his displeasure. I take the same chance by posting in this thread. Like I said no skin off my teeth, I prefer caramel please

gus 3rd Apr 03 12:21 AM

i have the ache for some Nachos.....

Jeff, get us some popcorn and nachos

belthazor 3rd Apr 03 12:24 AM

ok's your caramel...goose your nachos. extra jalapeno with those?

just_do_IT 3rd Apr 03 12:24 AM

/me thinks i might need more than TP. Are farts supposed to have lumps?

gus 3rd Apr 03 12:25 AM

And I think AD recived the same "ferocity" he used to bash Martin....

belthazor 3rd Apr 03 12:26 AM

Wanna borrow my bidet trm?

just_do_IT 3rd Apr 03 12:28 AM

Do they make masculine hygiene products? If not they should, I may have ruined a perfectly good pair of Givinchys. And ffs why would they make underwear WHITE? What a stupid color.

belthazor 3rd Apr 03 12:28 AM

You got that right. And what about the pain of constant genital itching?

DoG 3rd Apr 03 12:29 AM


Originally posted by kamikazee@Apr 2 2003, 10:19 PM
I'm sure AD doesn't need me sticking up for him, I don't even know him and although you may disagree with what he has to say it was the ferocity used by everyone who attacked him for voicing his displeasure. I take the same chance by posting in this thread. Like I said no skin off my teeth, I prefer caramel please
Once again, coming from a regular or active member it would have been taken as it was- criticism. Coming form a person who doesn't participate in the community, who didnt even see the post it was taken as an attack on one of the members of the community.

Anyone want a Starburst or a Malteser?

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