BetaONE will rise again!

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belthazor 3rd Apr 03 12:00 AM

It was supposed to be a 2 party incident. And it went gained an audience that it wasn't supposed to have.

DoG 3rd Apr 03 12:02 AM

1 person "Got his head bit off". Read my post and my subsequent reply to your post for the reason why.

The joke was in bad taste, yes it snowballed, yes it affected more than the 2 parties involved. What do you want? A front page appology for a joke gone bad\in bad taste?

Feel free to air your displeasure about the joke, feel free to stick up for AD- it's a community, thats what its here for.

BUT Respect my right to air my displeasure at any comments made on this board- the same rules and liberties that apply to you apply to me and any other member of this board. AD can slag the board and its members off all he likes- I reserve the right to return the favour

gus 3rd Apr 03 12:02 AM

well... IMHO if the 2 parties are OK with it now, why are you still upset abou it?

noone is cutting anyone's head off, they are just saying that AD's comments about Martin were a little bit harsh... Martin is a well respected member in BetaOne, he has been here since the begining, since day One, he is also CoFounder of Holics.NET with me, if there's anyone i can trust with my life on the planet is HIM ( and my dovo :rolleyes: )

So, I say, calm down, Adam is fine now, this is something we can laugh about in the years to come... plus, everyone knows Adam is inmortal, whas the big deal? :ph34r: :D

/me hugs Zone-MR

belthazor 3rd Apr 03 12:03 AM

whose turn is it to go for popcorn? ;)

DoG 3rd Apr 03 12:05 AM


Originally posted by source@Apr 2 2003, 10:03 PM
whose turn is it to go for popcorn? ;)
Mine, butter, toffee or savoury? :P

belthazor 3rd Apr 03 12:06 AM

extra butter for me? anyone else got a preference?

DoG 3rd Apr 03 12:07 AM

Extra Butter?? You think i'm made of money?? (Note to self...... Never offer to buy Source a drink....... he may ask for bottle...... :P)

just_do_IT 3rd Apr 03 12:10 AM

That yellow crap they put on the popcorn is butter?? :ph34r: I never would have guessed.... Shit all this time I didnt know theatre butter is what makes me fart.

belthazor 3rd Apr 03 12:12 AM

Jeezuz term, I thought I smelled sumthin

just_do_IT 3rd Apr 03 12:17 AM

Scuze me

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