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greypigeon 28th Jun 04 09:13 AM

Take care m8, hope we will see you back in the future ;)

belthazor 28th Jun 04 05:56 PM

I'm gonna miss you Alpine. Take care and someday I know you'll make it back. :)

Zone-MR 28th Jun 04 06:23 PM

I understand that 56K dialup is the closest thing there is to torture, but surely it's better than not connecting AT ALL?

I hope you'll be able to drop in once in a while, and hopefully they will install a 2GBps fibre to your future house in the not-to-distant future ;)

Hunted 28th Jun 04 07:24 PM

I know that torture too well, because I'm on 56k (not 24/7 even). I guess if you aren't used to anything else then you can't complain.

Alpine hope we see you soon though. Good luck with the job there.

Cheers man..

Voodoo 28th Jun 04 07:41 PM

Alpine, as you say, jobs pay you money, not the internet. (Wish it did lol).

Anyways, good luck with the new job and hope to see you back real soon. Will keep your online home hot for your return.


protecteur 28th Jun 04 07:46 PM

Good luck Alpin!! Will see you arround I am shoure they will lay some cable or phone internet there soon!! lol!! :) Bonne chance dans le nord de Quebec Il fais tres froid a l'anne long la!!!! Fais sur que tu as des bonne suite de skydoo pour la neige lol!!!

Cheers!! :P

~*McoreD*~ 28th Jun 04 08:22 PM

Take care Alpine. I know how frustrating to miss broadband, but 56K is still better than having nothing at all! Hope see to you back online m8.

Good Luck!

wase4711 28th Jun 04 08:28 PM

satalite would be a good option, and its not too much more than hi speed cable access..
it should work up there also..


italiano 28th Jun 04 10:01 PM

Take care m8..

Somehow I feel that you will be back again !!

unicorn 29th Jun 04 12:58 AM

I too wish you good luck at your new location.

Seems a little strange to be permanently disconnected. I would pretty fast transform into a 56er. And then I would curse all theese bloted sites forcing you t download data for say 20-40 seconds just to find that you should click on next link or get presented with a few lines of text to read.

But hey, it works. And mail and news and all those part of the Net works fine with a modem.

If you really gonna stay there for awhile and have no Internet connection at all I guess your lifestyle is in for a major change. Will it be worse? In some minor practical issues, yes for sure. But on the whole... well, I guess you'll report how things goes.

I wish you the best and hope you can keep in touch.

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