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rikytik 2nd Apr 03 07:43 PM

I like this community and was here early on. Angel Death was one of the "Dudes" that made things worthwhile. He helped me with things when I was just learning how to walk. I am a fan.

As far as what has been said above, let's just agree that "sh** happens!" and that one guy's humor is another guy's nightmare. I'm an old guy who's been through the mill and know how tempers and jealousies flare with perceived insults. I don't think insults were intended and we are all neato guys and girls.

I'd love to see Angel Death back here more often--especially since we all hope Longhorn will start the wonderful ride that Win XP gave us.

Lets enjoy. Life is short and there's just too much good stuff to pass up.

I discovered all this good stuff after I retired. I'm a student and I love it here.

Vive le BetaOne Libre!

Hunted 2nd Apr 03 08:06 PM

Hi there....

What can one say that hasn't been said already. I agree with norm and it's clear that Adam is fine with what happened after the initial burst of anger. Martin has ask for forgiveness and as what I can see, did Adam forgive him for that. So did others.

The most important is that one can move on from this with a life lesson taken with them. Everyone should be able to learn something today..... Life is much more then just words, it includes Actions, Emotions and friendship.

I don't however agree that one joke about the STATE of someones LIFE.

Gus I agree that one must enjoy life with jokes, but I'm sure it would not be funny if you had to hear that your Wife "died" as a joke.

Nothing I said is personally aimed nor to show anybody in the wrong. I'm just trying to put some perspective on the issue.

My 2 cents added....


rikytik 2nd Apr 03 08:57 PM

You are right, Hunted.

One of the most important talents in life is to be able to joke about one's own mortality. Naissance, life,death--it's all one big thing. In my career I managed a group of traders and those are the craziest critters that ever walked the earth. Their uncerimonious joking, sometimes shocking, was simply a way of releiving stress. And so, we are here among a group of people that are in the IT industry and I'd wager to say the stress levels are often high. Things are changing, the challenges are daunting and so sometimes out humor becomes outrageous. I think I saw an age sampling of BetaOne some time ago. It's pretty wide. So there's a few generations here and they don't always see eye to eye. <heh heh>

Anyway. Good thread and good to see Angel Death back--if only briefly--at least he's checking in.

Sephiroth 2nd Apr 03 09:04 PM

I agree rikytik, something me and Martin might find funny would disgust other people here, and I'm sure the opposite is true as well. As far as an age gap, I know we have one active poster here who is in their mid fifties or sixties I believe, and as far as I know, me, Martin, and RadiationBoy are the three youngest actives left here, and we're all 18 - 20. So you're right, we have a huge age gap here.

DoG 2nd Apr 03 10:57 PM


Originally posted by AngelDeath@Apr 2 2003, 02:35 AM
This is to the person who thinks death is a April Fool's joke, .................................................. ...........

.................................................. .after this stupidity.


Hi AD, nice to hear from you- haven't seen you around for a while.

Who the hell do you think you are??
Think before you goddamn post!!
You come here sometime after the fact, slag off the community by basicly calling us immature and then have the gall to say this was done for some need to make the users more active!!
The matter was being resolved in a MATURE manner, the parties involved TALKED to each other, an APOLOGY was issued (Wich i know Martin sincerely meant) and Adam accepted the apology. It doesnt need some guy who never comes to the board, who upon hearing the news second hand, decides to shoot his mouth off and show us just how mature he is.

And before you start bitching about censorship take a look around the board and read some of the god damn posts on here. We don't censor people for saying what they think or feel- then again if you bothered to bless us with your presence once in a while you may have noticed the changes.

The top and bottom of it is this, it was a joke. It may have been in bad taste but it was a joke. Martin got burnt, he caused a hell of a lot of comotion, it made the situation arkward as hell for Adam but it was meant in the spirit of fun. Do i have to say it again for you? It Was A Joke.

This is one of the best crews this board has had, don't come in here with your lump hammer and wedge and try to split it up. It won't happen. Yes i remember the shit from before, yes i remember ADTW- i was a member there.

Adam and Martin, i'm glad you two cleared it up really quickly- i just object to people coming here once in a blue moon for no other reason than to heap condemnation and scorn on something a lot of people have worked really hard to setup and maintain.

If i offended anyone else i apologise- but the thread wasn't called for and neither were the comments directed at the community. :angry:

EDIT: AD, you can PM me if you want to discuss my post with me in private- i won't mind

kamikazee 2nd Apr 03 11:30 PM

AngelDeath is right in his feelings, this was a sick joke, and whats even worse is how you all jump on him and try to make it his fault, it wasn't and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

If we were to lash out at a member as Reborn has none of you would hesitate to warn or maybe even ban us for it. Other people cruising through this board and see this, will they think we are friendly, helpful community?


Hi AD, nice to hear from you- haven't seen you around for a while.

Who the hell do you think you are??
Think before you goddamn post!!
You come here sometime after the fact, slag off the community by basicly calling us immature and then have the gall to say this was done for some need to make the users more active!!
The matter was being resolved in a MATURE manner, the parties involved TALKED to each other, an APOLOGY was issued (Wich i know Martin sincerely meant) and Adam accepted the apology. It doesnt need some guy who never comes to the board, who upon hearing the news second hand, decides to shoot his mouth off and show us just how mature he is.

And before you start bitching about censorship take a look around the board and read some of the god damn posts on here. We don't censor people for saying what they think or feel- then again if you bothered to bless us with your presence once in a while you may have noticed the changes.

The top and bottom of it is this, it was a joke. It may have been in bad taste but it was a joke. Martin got burnt, he caused a hell of a lot of comotion, it made the situation arkward as hell for Adam but it was meant in the spirit of fun. Do i have to say it again for you? It Was A Joke.

This is one of the best crews this board has had, don't come in here with your lump hammer and wedge and try to split it up. It won't happen. Yes i remember the shit from before, yes i remember ADTW- i was a member there.

Adam and Martin, i'm glad you two cleared it up really quickly- i just object to people coming here once in a blue moon for no other reason than to heap condemnation and scorn on something a lot of people have worked really hard to setup and maintain.

If i offended anyone else i apologise- but the thread wasn't called for and neither were the comments directed at the community.

The apology is all well and fine, you even said in a mature manner, where? definately not your post. Just my opinion and we all know how they are.

and I would never wish this on anyone

I hope what you think was a joke, turns to reality for you in a way that will make you realize being Stupid in life doesnt get you very far, if at all anywhere
This is no better than the joke itself.

DoG 2nd Apr 03 11:44 PM


Originally posted by kamikazee@Apr 2 2003, 09:30 PM
AngelDeath is right in his feelings, this was a sick joke, and whats even worse is how you all jump on him and try to make it his fault, it wasn't and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

If we were to lash out at a member as Reborn has none of you would hesitate to warn or maybe even ban us for it. Other people cruising through this board and see this, will they think we are friendly, helpful community?

The apology is all well and fine, you even said in a mature manner, where? definately not your post. Just my opinion and we all know how they are.

So you condone AD "Lashing out" at Zone-mr then??

You condone him lashing out at the board and basicly calling us immature?

Would people browsing the board and seeing AD's post think we were a friendly helpfull community?

And i didnt "jump on him and try to make it his fault", i criticised the way he made his remarks, his sweeping generalisation that the "average maturity level is 3 years old"?

Why not a PM to the parties involved? Why make it public if his intention wasnt to solilicit comment?

belthazor 2nd Apr 03 11:45 PM

Come on kam. This whole situation has been explained. We really don't need people who rarely come here just stopping in seeming as they thrive on starting commotion. No one is claiming what happened was right. Let's all get over it.

gus 2nd Apr 03 11:46 PM


Originally posted by kamikazee@Apr 2 2003, 03:30 PM
AngelDeath is right in his feelings, this was a sick joke, and whats even worse is how you all jump on him and try to make it his fault, it wasn't and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Noone should feel ashamed of anything....

I agree with you Jaco, if i heard by someone that my wife was dead, i would fucking go nuts.... but at the end of the day, my wife shows up, i would be the happiest buy in the world... and it turn out it was just a simple joke she played on me, seeing as how i am, i would laugh it out with her....

All I'm saying is, everyone knew it was April Fool's day, everyone knows it's a day we all play jokes on eachother, we all are friends here, like adam said, martin is one of our best friends in the fucking world, i've known him since july 2000, that makes it almost 3 years now, i've known adam since september/october that same year... we've all been friends and some times like brothers, we love and we fight like it :rolleyes:

I know it in my heart that martin didnt mean any harm with it, and I have enough heart to accept martin's appology

He doesnt need to be ashamed of anything....

Now, lets put this behing us, and start having some more fun.....

and I say we make april fool's day everyday for Jeff aka Count Pornula :D :D :P :P

Viva El Dove

kamikazee 2nd Apr 03 11:55 PM

I knew he wasn't talking about me.

And other than wishing Adam a Happy Birthday, he didn't mention any names, I didn't know who the culprits were until I read the entire thread.

It caught me so off guard that I spent an Hour going through Nashville obit's trying to see if it was true or not. The prank grew so fast it was out of control before anyone got a handle on it, and now people stress their displeasure with it and they get their heads bit off. I know everything is fixed between the 2 parties involved but it is evident that it involved more than 2 parties and some more than others.

It is dropped, it was in bad taste and I leave it at that, but I would not have responded unless I felt the need.

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