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war59312 28th Jun 04 04:11 AM

That sucks. Take care and you will be greatly missed my brother.

Take Care,

Alpine 28th Jun 04 04:24 AM


Originally posted by KingCobra@Jun 27 2004, 07:34 PM
Take care & hope to see you soon.

Just for the record I love the internet too much to ever move anywhere there was no access to the web. You wouldn't be going to jail would ya Alpine? Wouldn't that make some news for the board! :P

Just kidding B)

L O L .. i am not going to jail Kingcobra !!

Why not internet by phone ?! Why not to shot myself !!
I will never get back to internet by phones !! When you use a faster connection .. u never come back to the slower connection right ?!

KingCobra 28th Jun 04 04:27 AM


Originally posted by Alpine@Jun 27 2004, 08:24 PM
Why not internet by phone ?! Why not to shot myself !!
:D I hear ya man! :thumbsup:

Alpine 28th Jun 04 04:35 AM

My friend still running internet by phone .. and damm .. each time he's trying to send something .. or receive a file ( any size ) and/or Loading a web page. so looonnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

i just can't imagine that one day ( since year ago ) a modem 28,8 was soooo fast ..... l o l

this is a long time ago !!

KingCobra 28th Jun 04 04:40 AM

You make me feel so old...

I remember the days of the 300 baud modem over my Commodore 64 :rolleyes:

Dudelive 28th Jun 04 05:08 AM

Damn..... but you can't go and not stop back ever. There has to ba a way for you to keep in touch with all the peeps you have came to know. I do really hope you the best and PLEASE if possible stop by from somewhere and drop us a line.

You will be missed but NOT forgotten


war59312 28th Jun 04 05:09 AM


Originally posted by KingCobra@Jun 27 2004, 10:40 PM
You make me feel so old...

I remember the days of the 300 baud modem over my Commodore 64 :rolleyes:

Ha I rember my 1bps "network" adapter.

Thats 1bitper sec. not 1byteper sec. :lol:

Fine really since everything was text. Shoot if I still had a modem I would just disable images and javascript and use ad muncher. Thats what I did for a few years. Pretty fast web browsing and decent 8kbps download. Thats with a 56k v92 modem of course with commpression and proxy cache.

Keru 28th Jun 04 05:24 AM

so where are U moving to ? :o

Alpine 28th Jun 04 05:37 AM

in the North of Quebec (Canada).. I am moving bcause this is for work !!
I donno how time i will be there !!


But i will working .... hard to find a job that u love !!!

Bads 28th Jun 04 05:50 AM

Welcome to Quebec Alpine ;)

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