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RadiationBoy 12th May 04 11:36 PM

ummmm this is war...this is why some of us have been opposed to war the whole time. we've been doing this poopie to the people of iraq, i'm sure you all have been reading the newspaper, maybe its on tv too i dunno haven't watched tv in years, but it shows everyday the people that we torture. Not that it in ANY way justifies the kind of violence inflicted on Nick Berg, but iI'm just saying this is war and personaly i think we should be more conserned with stopping the war then trying to get revenge on the guys who beheaded Berg, thats not going to accomplish anything, and its definatly not going to stop the violence.

Cyberion 13th May 04 12:51 AM

Vinnie - your are NOT less of a human for not wishing to view the film. I only viewed the film till the point where the threw the gent to the ground, and I stopped watching.

RadBoy - I think that we as human tend to attempt to always get one up on our neighbor. Stopping nahhh.. we pick fights, rape and pillage resources and even murder to get the one up.. In a sick way its like video games. You see the flashing "dot" coming at you and your use your BFG(some#) to blow your opponent away.

Point = Education, though slanted to where you are educated, is still education.

Zone-MR 13th May 04 12:56 AM

RadiationBoy, what is happening now in Iraq is nothing compared to what Iraqi people used to suffer under Saddam's regime. The actions of one or two rouge US soldiers are the actions of a very small minority of US soldiers, and are universally condemned by Americans.

Whether or not you agree with the war is another matter, but I think it can honestly be said that the majority of coallition troops respect the Geneva convention, and do not engage in acts of torture or abuse.

The same, unfortunatly, cannot be said for the majority of the Iraqi people. Not only do they brutally murder CIVILLIANS, but the majority of Iraqis, and even Muslims living in the western world, seem to consider it something to cellebrate!

If US soldiers slaughtered a single civillian as a deliberate act of retalliation, there would be a major outcry from the public, and certainly no support. I think this clearly outlines the difference in the two cultures. War is one thing. A society which has no moral problems with murdering civillians in the name of their god, has some serious issues.

belthazor 13th May 04 01:51 AM

I'm not going to add much more than what's already been said. But this is a true act of barbarianism, not an act in the name of God.
If there is a God, and personally I'm an agnostic, I hope these men and all like them meet their just "reward".

And italiano, don't worry about the post being deleted. The message it conveys is far too important to censor.

KingCobra 13th May 04 03:52 AM

I watched the complete video and it makes me sad. :(

I have seen many people in my life that have done me wrong only to see them later get their due without any actions on my part. I know that GOD will also do the same here. My prayers go to the family that I know have seen or heard how long this murder/death took.

wase4711 13th May 04 04:06 AM

Well, last time I checked, the vast majortiy of wars were over things like religion, differences in beliefs, and the like...
Just one quick comment from me:

Where was the international outrage when the prisoner of war atrocities committed by the NorthVietnam "prison guards" against United States prisoners was brought to light?
Funny, that never seemed to bother the world, and the torture THEY were subjected to was far worse than we inflicted on our Iraqui "prisoners"..

War is hell, and things like this have occurred in every war in the last 1000 years..

Funny, or SICK that once the USA is shown to do ANYTHING that OTHER countries have done to OUR prisoners of war for eons is made public, the world screams foul..

The whole affair is sickening, and now, courtesy of our wonderful "information age", 10-15 year old kids get to see a beheading on the Internet..

There isn't much hope for the future of mankind, is there.....

tubebuoy 13th May 04 04:33 AM


While not directed at you personally, Rush Limbaugh had a caller today who appears to hold some of the same beliefs as you and I quote "this is why some of us have been opposed to war the whole time. we've been doing this poopie to the people of iraq".

Here is a transcript.

"CALLER: Rush, it's all atrocities, okay? I mean, the end result is still the same, Rush. We don't see video of that. We don't see video of people with their body parts laying apart but it's happening, Rush.

RUSH: Cliff, let me try --

CALLER: You know that, Rush --

RUSH: No, don't put words in my mouth because I'm not going to accept your premise and this is one of the problems that I have. You sound like an otherwise reasonable guy. You sound like you've got a modicum of intelligence out there, yet you wish, you search, you actively seek out a way to make equivalent our actions with these terrorists in the Nick Berg video. I don't understand that. What is the compulsion so many Americans have to want to draw these lines of equivalence between us and this human debris?

Let me address your specific example. We're in a war. We have insurgents like this al-Sadr fellow and his terrorist cohorts and they've taken over a town and they've taken prisoner of the kids you're talking about, and they're hiding behind them. They are cowards. We are not there to murder. We are not there to maim and kill children. We are not there to burn down their homes or their schools and weren't. We are rebuilding their schools. We are rebuilding their hospitals. Their schools are open, their hospitals are functioning, the electricity is back with more wattage and power and functionality than it ever had under Saddam. The U.S. military does not target civilians, the U.S. military does not target children, the U.S. military does not seek them out for wanton murder and call it war.

So when I see those images, yeah, and I haven't, but I know they exist. I don't sit around and beat my chest over it and say, "Ho-ho, look what the mighty United States of America did." I blame the people who are responsible for it, and that is the cowards who are using those children as shields and using their women as shields and it frustrates me to no end that you don't also see this. You know who these people are. It is not a mystery. They are not good, there's nothing good about them. They are perverted, they are demented, they are pure trash human debris. They have declared war on us. They treat their own kids far worse than anything that might happen to them as a result of the United States riding to their rescue. These are the people that strapped bombs on their own kids and send them out to be blown up, and they lie to them, and they say, "Do this and you'll get to heaven. You'll meet Allah," or whatever it is they tell them. They are willing to kill their own kids to save their own lives. They are nothing. They have no value. They are not be respected. They are not to be protected. They are not to be understood. They are to be eliminated.

They do not bring anything decent to their own country, to their own people, to their own families, to their own population. They bring destruction. They bring death. They bring misery. They bring poverty. We, the United States of America, and the people of this country, banded together via our elected officials and our money are attempting to save these people from their own so-called leaders.

In the process, unfortunate things happen, but it is not our aim. It is not our purpose. It is not our desire. We do not put these kids on television and do to them what was done to Nick Berg, and then ask CBS to broadcast it to the Arab world. And the idea that you can call here and try to establish some degree of similarity offends the living hell out of me, Cliff.

Go ahead and vote for John Kerry. Go ahead and vote for your favorite Democrats, and go ahead and open the borders to the people that murdered Nick Berg and let 'em come on in because we're not going to have the guts to stand up to them because we're too busy feeling guilty that we're just like them. And you, Cliff, are going to be among the first to go. Because you're going to think they're going to understand you. And they're going to look at you as an absolute dupe and an idiot, useful or otherwise, and you're gone. You need to be thanking God there are people who have the vision and the courage to see this for what it is and are willing to put their lives on the line to protect ignorant people and people who are otherwise doing other things and don't care what's going on, to protect them so they can go ahead and live their lives as blissfully as they choose.

We do not need to be stringing people up who are trying to bring decency and freedom to other peoples in the world and make examples of them and say they're no different than al-Sadr, al-Qaeda, Zarqawi, whoever it is was in these pictures that murdered Nick Berg. I'll never understand the way you think, Cliff. But what I've realized is there's no talking you out of it. I don't even know if there's any shaming you. How you can even call here after having known what's on that video and dare say that there is some similarity to what we, the people of the United States believe and do, to what was done to Nick Berg in that video, makes me as repulsed and angry and fearful as I was when I watched the video."

The bottom line here is, Islamic extremists murdered 3'000 people in less than 3 hours on 9-11 and they want to kill even MORE! And given the chance they will kill YOU without a second thought! This has nothing to do with whether you sympathize with them or not. If you are a non believer, you are marked for death! And they will chant "God Is Great" as they hack you to pieces!

Don't believe me? Watch the Nick Berg video! Nick was a CIVILIAN who went to Iraq to help rebuild the telecommunications infrastructure. He was also Jewish. They didn't make him wear panties on his head, they didn't scare him with dogs on leashes, they didn't make him masturbate. They bound his hands and legs, kicked him over on his side, and spent over 1 minute sawing his head off with a dull butchers knife! All the while smilling and chanting "God Is Great"

More to the point, NOBODY in America jumped up and down with joy when we saw the prison pictures. We felt shame. And these people were enemy combatants who had information that may have saved both American AND Iraqi lives. Or have you forgoten that these extreamists have also blown up peaceful Muslims gathering for holy day celebrations in an attempt to start a civil war between thier own people!?

I respectfully reject your assertion that we are the same as them.


Kelewyn 13th May 04 05:28 AM

I agree with most of what's been said here. I have some thoughts though.

First I am against censorship, but I'm not so sure I think any links to that video should be posted, at LEAST without some warning. I saw it awhile ago, but as someone who has almost seen it all and studies psychology it didn't affect me.. THAT much.

Now, as someone who hobbies in psychology I wonder why Berg didn't seem to put up much of a fight? I'm not saying in ANYway that it was staged, I just wonder about the full circumstances with the situation. Like did he know what was going to happen, and was somehow okay with it?


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italiano 13th May 04 05:35 AM

"The bottom line here is, Islamic extremists murdered 3'000 people in less than 3 hours on 9-11 and they want to kill even MORE! And given the chance they will kill YOU without a second thought! This has nothing to do with whether you sympathize with them or not. If you are a non believer, you are marked for death! And they will chant "God Is Great" as they hack you to pieces!

Don't believe me? Watch the Nick Berg video! Nick was a CIVILIAN who went to Iraq to help rebuild the telecommunications infrastructure. He was also Jewish. They didn't make him wear panties on his head, they didn't scare him with dogs on leashes, they didn't make him masturbate. They bound his hands and legs, kicked him over on his side, and spent over 1 minute sawing his head off with a dull butchers knife! All the while smilling and chanting "God Is Great"

Across the road from where I live is a family, from a Pakistani muslim background.
I used to go to school with the two sons.

Before The Tower murders these lads used to attend 'Islamic Youth summer camps' near to forests in Wales... in fact, the lads used to say that they went training and undertook self defence classes !!! ..... read what you will into this, but I think it's obvious!!

They follow a radical Islamic group here in the UK who's aim is to make the UK into an Islamic country by whatever means.
We have a so called freedom of speech here in the UK and therefore these lads go around the UK preaching their ideology on the streets... they set up benches and stalls outside mosques in areas where there are lots of muslim youth, universities etc.

Just ponder over this:

These young men, who I used to go to school with and who's father who is classed as a pillor of the local muslim community:

After the two towers tragedy, one of the lads came up to me in the street and told me:

'We think that our brothers were right to carry out this act.. they did it to protect our brothers and sisters in Islam... we suppport it and other acts like it...'

My reply to him was

''do you have such a thing as compassion and humanity in your souls because you state that your God is " compassionate and all merciful '' ??

I have not spoken to those lads since.... How can you talk to beings who cannot reason at a basic level ???

At the beginning of every muslim prayer and deed the follow phrase is uttered by the true believer:

" In the name of God, the compassionate and the merciful"

I have an image of those so called men chanting this as the planes crash into the towers and that poor guy had his head cut off like a chicken ready to be put into a cooking pot !!!

It just don't add up :blink:

The boys father attends prayers 5 times a day and gives money to the poor etc, etc, etc.... He is pious.... and is a leader of the local muslim community here !

and his sons (who are in their late teens early 20's go around preaching their filth and hatred !!!

They and others like them are are the future new terrorists in the making who will replace those who claim to be the true believer"

I can't really say more :(

i am just sickned by it all :blink: :angry:

italiano 13th May 04 05:53 AM


I agree with what you say m8

But we here in the UK are like you in the States are well off, plenty of welfare hand outs etc, and lots of so called prosperity, but at the same time, we have the up and coming future leaders of our society, agreeing and rejoicing at these acts done in the name of their own religion....

So what excuse do these young adults have to say what they say ??

Heck.... one of the lads Owns a BMW and a Mercedes...

So they ain't done badly living here....

and they want us all butched, because we are non believers!!

(OK Maybe over the top) ??

But Islamic radicals really believe this and Islamic radicalism is on the Increase here in the Uk and the USA..

It's all of this that really troubles and saddens me!!!

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